Day 216: An Easter Weigh In!


I hope everyone had a great time with their friends and family and Easter eggs. I have to admit, I did miss my family and our awesome Easter lunch, but it was still pretty awesome! So, I knew it was going to happen and it did, I gained 1.6 pounds this week. Am I surprised? No. Am I mad? Not at all. Was it a wake up call? Yes. If you remember from yesterday, I was talking about this mindset I had of “I have the whole summer to work off whatever I eat this week so it’s whatever.” I didn’t realize how dangerous that was for my personal journey. You see, my whole life I have said “I’ll lose weight later” “I’ll lose weight in high school” “I’ll lose weight in college” “I’ll lose weight after I get married.” That was my mantra for so long and it it snowballed in to me weighing 357 at 23 years old. So today, I was still bad and the worst part I knew I was being bad, but I didn’t stop! I didn’t come to this realization until after dinner so from this point on, I’m going to really stick to my points and exercise this Temple of Awesomeness (if I was cool enough for a tattoo, I would totally get a tramp stamp tattoo of that.) I want to start the summer of right so for all intensive purposes, my summer starts tomorrow. [Insert the Phineas and Ferb intro here.]

Breakfast: We were running late for church but luckily when we got to Sunday School (is there an age limit to call it Sunday School?) there were some awesome apple cinnamon muffins so I snagged one of those bad boys.

Lunch: We were invited to our good friends, the Schuberts, house for Easter lunch and it was awesome! Mrs. Schubert made this awesome ham with a Paula Deen glaze so yes it had both brown and regular sugar and butter (the three staple ingredients in any PD recipe) then there was potato and macaroni salad from Publix. Then I had something that I have never had together, much less for Easter: carrots and guacamole. Mrs. Schubert swears by the combo and she says the carrots are a good alternative to chips because the chips are what’s bad in that combo. (Short of spinach artichoke dip, when it comes to chips and dip, the chips is the bad part.) So I know that doesn’t look like a lot of food, but against my new normal eating habits, I ate seconds and thirds. It went in to this bizarre old pattern and it really alarmed me. I’ve read the calories and fat for the Publix macaroni salad, I know how bad it is. That wasn’t stopping me. I just ate it. Regardless, it was a great lunch with great fellowship.

Snack: We had to run a few errands around town and I had a 20% off Easter coupon at Yogurt Mountain so we went there for a little Easter dessert. I was pretty indulgent with mine (I justified it as it was my Easter candy. I didn’t eat any candy for Halloween! Why is Easter different?)  I even added a little (like the surface of a quarter) hot fudge. I don’t know what emotional hole I was trying to fill with food, but my soul has a pothole in there somewhere. It tasted good but it wasn’t worth how sick I was after.

Dinner: We wanted to make chili but since we haven’t grocery shopped in a while and Publix was closed, we went to Super Perros for dinner. We split the Godzilla and ordered an extra order of beans. It was freakin awesome.

Exercise: I drove to Leach to go work out because I thought they were open until 11:00 but they were open until 9:00… and I got there at 9:15. Lametastic. I got home and did a 20 minute workout on Wii Fit and I was actually worn out from it. Frankly, it was embarrassing. It’s time to get my workouts back in line.

So it was an interesting day full of introspection but it was much needed and I’m in a much better mindset than where I was. I think I got really caught up with my long term goals this week and the excitement of being in the 150’s someday meanwhile overlooking the great amount of work I still have ahead of me. Here’s to a better week. See ya tomorrow.