Why haven’t you joined SAWS yet!?! SERIOUSLY!!!!! It will change. Your. Life.

Breakfast: I had a 4 point bowl of Kashi Go Lean Berry Crisp. Yumtastic.

Workout: So we got up bright and early to go to Leach and it actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Getting up tomorrow on the other hand will be the true challenge. The first day is always easy, but the second one is the beast so we will just see what happens. I worked out legs first and then got on the elliptical and beasted (for us SAWSers that is a verb) out 35 minutes on a weight loss setting. It’s really nice just to go in, do your thing, and be done with it for the rest of the day! SAWS! (Also, when you see this acronym imagine me yelling it with my arms up as if I was Steve Holt. Steve Holt!)

After-Workout Snack: I just had a 4 point Nature Valley Oats and Honey granola pack.

Lunch: Megan made her awesome flatbread pizzas with veggie pepperoni so I had that with a big salad that had balsamic vinegar, trail mix and cherry tomatoes on it. The best 8 point lunch ever!

Afternoon Snack: I had some matzos with laughing cow cheese and then I had a tall strawberries and cream frap with soy milk. It was 7 points of afternoon snacking. A little high but it was still good!

Dinner: For dinner, we went with a classic and had Uncle Jim’s Veggie Chili. It was pretty legit. Hooray for delicious food and tons of fiber! YUM! I might have went a little over and had 13 points worth of chili. Still worth it.

I got to 36 points and with the exercise points I am good. Awesomeness. Seriously, have you joined SAWS yet? See ya tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “Day 231: SAWS MONDAYNESS

  1. I like that your exercise machine seems to be build in the future as envisioned by the 1980s.

    That’s the best future.