Day 445: Reporting From Seattle Edition

What up my blog readin’ buddies!?!

Sorry I didn’t post last night. There’s something about traveling for something like 13 hours that just takes a lot out of you. So it’s Christmas week! I love seeing all of my favorite Christmas commercials like the child snowman that melts his body with Campbell’s Soup (which sounds and looks very painful. I don’t want my body to deteriorate via soup!) Anyways, we are up in Washington visiting Megan’s family (which has been a blast so far) and the time change has been taking some adjusting to (three hours is a beast of a time change.) So far, food has been pretty good, but I’m a little worried about the treats that will passing through. Luckily, there is a huge bowl of oranges on the table that I have been peeling and chowing on like a boss. Good stuff.

Breakfast: (Before I start, I feel the need to admit that 67% of my blood is now coffee) For breakfast, I had two eggs and some hippy super health bread that was delicious. I love bread with seeds and nuts baked in. Anyways it was awesome. For a snack I had a few graham crackers which aren’t that bad for you and pretty filling!

Lunch: I decided to be a little creative for lunch and made some salmon salad sandwich. I found a can of salmon, added some Hellman’s light mayo, a little mustard and some salt and pepper. It was really good and really really filling!

Dinner: For dinner, Megan made the awesome tamale casserole from the WW cookbook. She’s even more awesome because she made a pumpkin pie (also out of the WW cookbook) and as always, it was awesome.

So today wasn’t too bad like I said. I’ve been drinking my share of water and all that fun stuff. Huzzah! See ya tomorrow.

PS sorry there aren’t any pictures (computer issues) but I’ll make it up to you tomorrow with a killer Wordless Wednesday and my favorite SNL Christmas skit. Enjoy.