Day 480: Tuesday

So I know this is a late post and it’s going to be short and sweet. Sorry that I’m not dedicating the time in to telling you all about my day but Papa Fotographing Fat Kid needs his sleep. It’s one of those days where you look back and realize you have been doing work in some capacity all day whether you wanted to or not.

Anyway, to summarize my day in one fell swoop of a sentence, I did the following awesome things:


taught public speaking

made a grilled cheese sandwich on my Weber

ate at the awesome Jason’s Deli

had a doughnut GASP!

more homework

listened to a lot of Baroque music (because if it ain’t baroque don’t fix it! Yuck yuck.)


So that’s about it. In lieu of a comprehensive post, I thought I would share an article I wrote for Fitblogger last January about my thoughts after losing 50 pounds. Consider it a bonus post. Let me know what you think! See ya tomorrow.