Day 569: Just Checking In


I’m going to keep this short if that’s okay with you for a couple of reasons. First, my body has made me readily aware of how old I am after a vicious two hours of racquetball. Second, MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE TOMORROW!!!!! So we have a lot to do to get ready for their arrival. I can tell they are excited because they keep sending me pictures of our dog Molly and our cat Shadow in their suitcases. (Parents are awesome.)

Anyway, so here is the rundown of today: breakfast was normal, lunch was a leftover burger and for dinner we walked to Super Perros for dinner where it was the manager’s sons birthday so we got free Star Wars cake! After that I played racquetball with my friend Alex M. and now I’m incredibly sore. I also had some nachos made at home. Awesomeness. So that’s about it, tomorrow I’ll have something a little more elaborate (with pictures) but that’s all I got for now. See ya tomorrow!





PS rice, beans and racquetball don’t mix. That is unless you want to use biological warfare win at racquetball.