Day 808: Monday and Stuff

Hello my reading minions!

(Okay… I guess you’re really not my reading minions. If you were, I would have commanded you to recreate the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters to fulfill my dream of assembling, then eating, the world’s biggest s’more of all time. I wonder how many calories that would be…anyway, where was I?)

Let me give you a recap of this past week: Christmas.

That’s right! Although it’s been in the mid to high 70’s and even the 80’s for the past few days, Megan and I have been deckin’ our halls like a couple of bosses! Like a lot of you, we are both Pinterest nuts but aren’t the craftiest people. (Even though I should be. My mom had her own craft business when I was little. I wonder if crafting is a recessive gene…) Anyway, we have been making different Christmas knick knacks and such for ourselves and others. It’s been nice to do something with my hands. It’s weird to have actual free time. I have spent the past 25 years studying, working, and up until a few years ago, eating and abnormal amount of calories. It’s nice to leave work at work and have a little time to twiddle my thumbs. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m trying to find a hobby, something physical or tangible. I love to write and I love to blog, but I do both for my job so I’m not sure this is really a hobby anymore. This blog has turned in to more of a lifestyle which is completely awesome!

So that’s where I’m at. I’m trying to find a hobby that I can do when I create a product. Something different. Something challenging. Any suggestions?

Anywho, along with all of this knick-knack-pattywhacking, I have been trying to lose weight. I don’t always make the best decisions, but I’m doing my best without going nuts. But the fact of the matter is I need to go nuts with weight loss. I’m in this weird place where if I would just push a little harder I would make some crazy strides. I have been in this 227-235 zone for almost a year, breaking through to the next level but then reverting back. The thing is, I know that I will look and feel so different in 30 pounds. The difference between 235 and 265 is insane so I can only imagine what I might look like and feel like. And I don’t mean that in a vapid way, more in the way of I want to be healthier way. Looking better is just an added bonus.

Not that this is an excuse, but it really has been hard not having a gym. It was just one of those things where getting a pass to the gym at FSU is more complicated than it should be. (Well, if you want the married discount. Long story.) Luckily, that’s going to change next semester so I’ll be able to play racquetball, lift and do other fun gym stuff very soon. On the other hand, it’s been bearable because I do run three times a week which has taken a lot out of me. The long runs on Saturdays are about to get longer too. It’s more of the toll they take on my joints. 10 miles of the same repetitive movement becomes painful. But on the other hand, if I was 30 pounds lighter, would my body heal quicker? As you can tell I’m dealing with a lot of chicken/egg scenarios that I have thought about a lot but haven’t put down on paper…or blogosphere.

My issue is that I have played the weight loss game for a long time. It’s like on the Biggest Loser when the players start the play the game where they know what to do that week to win. Granted sometimes that just means drinking a gallon of water the throw a weigh in. That’s been me. My trend recently has been to weigh in on Tuesday, get stoked and eat a lot of what I want, then do the same thing Wednesday through Friday, and then really hit it hard on Saturday and Sunday like drink a lot of water to rehydrate and eat what I’m suppose to eat. Because I’m up four or five pounds. Before I know it, I’ve lost a little to have a “loss.” So I’m not really losing, I’m just maintaining. The thing is is that I have proved myself that I can around this weight. I have kept more than 100 pounds off since I hit the 100 pound mark in August 2011. I think I might be scared to take it to the next level. To break that 200 pound mark eventually. Even 225 pounds on is such unchartered territory that is excerifying (terrifying and exciting) for me to even think about. Time to keep counting, running and blogging. The rest will follow. See ya tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “Day 808: Monday and Stuff

    • LOL oh yes. From selling health bars (or having Bill sell health bars) to spraying pesticides in the organic garden club at Tom Landry Middle School, Peggy Hill has done it all. (Oh, and starring on a foot fetish website.)

  1. Nathan, if your career had taken you into associations, I’d suggest TSAE as your new hobby. But, since that’s not the case, have you thought about getting involved in a service club, or joining Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Or joining a Toastmasters and revving yourself up to write a book and go out on the speaking circuit?

  2. OMG…i just found your blog for the first time and I just read your post about being a little scared to take it to the next level…i feel the exact same way for some reason…..i hit the 200 pounds lost mark and finally saw the end of the tunnel and it scared the crap out of me….it’s very strange….

    • Wow that’s so awesome! Yeah, being close to knocking on the door of onderland feels really weird. I’m really to bust it down!