Day 893: Weigh In Day

So this morning, I didn’t know what the scale was going to say. Sure I had tried to be on point with counting a stuff, but last night I overdid it a little at a reception. (If we weren’t suppose to eat cheese, then why was it created???) Anyway, I knew that whatever it said, I am in an awesome place with everything. I’m actually holding myself accountable again. Something I haven’t done in a long time. I’m just ready for a change. I’m ready to look different. For a Large to truly fit. For there to be a one in front of my weight and not a 2. It’s coming and it’s going to happen, but in order for it to, it’s be patient with my body while being proactive and disciplined. I’ve worked too hard to get to where I am now not to finish this journey I have started. Now I’m ready to start.

This morning, I was up .6 pounds. Big whoop. I’m at 233.8…but not for long.

Let’s rundown the menu for today shall we?
Breakfast: Eziekiel English muffin, 2 tbs of pb and a banana (8 points)
Lunch: Quinoa with black beans and corn (6 points)
Snack: Voskos greek yogurt with granola (3 points)
Snack: Four Wheat Thin flatbread crackers with a little chow-chow relish (2 points)
Dinner: Three tacos with black beans and ground turkey (11 points)
Exercise: (Which felt amazing!) Leg day, 15 minutes on the Stairmaster and 30 minutes on the ARC Trainer (Burned 631 calories)

So today I got to 30 points. 2 points over my 28 point limit (reminder: using an old system). With my exercise points, I’m good! Here’s to an awesome Wednesday! See ya tomorrow.