Day 91: Christmas Vacation Update

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
-Mark Twain

It is true. I am still alive. It was been quite the trip so far… well not really. It has been a time of just relaxing and seeing old friends. However, it has been really weird not blogging and having this support system. Other than that, not having internet and not being plugged in has actually been kind of nice. Dare I say liberating. Right now I’m chilling at a Starbucks, deleting an ungodly amount of spam and wincing at the amount of articles to read in my google reader. Anyways, we have been good about counting points and keeping them in a journal to stay on track. So far, my body has only gotten mad at me once. I was stupid and tried to eat two of my favorite greasy breakfast burritos from my favorite hole in the wall joint and my body got a little pissed. Other than that, I have tried to be smart about what’s on my plate. Luckily, my mom has made sugar and fat free pies to counteract the buttermilk pie and the bourbon chocolate chip pecan pie. We are suppose to eat pulled pork sandwiches and brisket at some point this week so I’ll be eating a lot of light lunches from here on in. It’s annoying because my parents (who have been really supportive) ask if it’s okay to have certain things like brisket and at the time I’m like “Oh yeah sure!” then when the meal rolls around I’m like “crap, this was a bad idea.” Either way, I figure if I keep the portion controls down, keep exercising (which I have been every morning (I have fallen in love with the elliptical)) and to limit the sides with sauces (like my mom’s broccoli, cheese and stuffing casserole) I’ll make it out of this sucker alive. I know that I control everything that goes in to my body, but it’s been hard not to fall in to old habits. Then I look in the mirror or look at old photos around the house, and realize that this is all worth it. See ya when I see ya.

0 thoughts on “Day 91: Christmas Vacation Update

  1. I think you are doing an amazing job!!! Of course, you’re going to have a few indulgences. It’s the holidays, but nothing is going to ruin the awesome progress you’ve made so far. Just keep your head up and keep making those good choices!!!

  2. Hi Nathan! After seeing how good you and Megan looked at Jason’s I decided to try out weight watchers myself and ordered some used books online. Thanks for sharing all your stories here 🙂

  3. Hi Nathan. Been a while since I stopped by. I have been on the new WW points plus now for a week and a half and I have already lost 4 pounds. So excited about my upcoming weigh in on Sunday.

    The holidays can be rough for eating right. So many foods are not “friendly”. I have a friend who recommends taking two to three small bites of everything and stopping there. I may try that to get me through the remaining three holiday dinners I’m attending.