Oh Thank Heaven For Day 11

Γεια σας (Daniel Wise, you better know this or you didn’t study hard enough for your Greek Test)

It’s been another rainy day but I’m still not complaining. I’m thinking about changing my fantasy football team name to the San Francisco 49ers since I’m about to be 0-3 unless Devin Hester can get me 11 points (help a brother out Hester!)

Breakfast: If you haven’t discovered the wonderful world of Kashi you are missing out my friend. After TrailMixGate 2010, I was on a mission to find a better breakfast/snack option. We had bought Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal in the past so I went with an oldie but a goodie. It’s a little expensive (but since I just gave Kashi a shout out I hope they’ll send me some free cereal) but it’s really good for you. The 2/3 cup serving has 6 grams of fiber alone! I had 2 servings (3 points) and a the milk was 2 points. It was a really filling breakfast.

Snack: Usually I wouldn’t go on a rant about something orange related (unless it was burnt orange) but am I crazy, and did no one else have an  orange peeling device that looked like a crochet needle with a hook? I told Megan the other day that we needed to buy one and she tried to convince me that such an instrument didn’t exist. Anyways, today I just used a pairing knife and cut that 1 point sucker up. I usually butcher anything I try to cut up but after doing this (pictured left) I think I might drop out of this PR thing and become a surgeon instead. (This is the most boring paragraph ever.)

Lunch: Today I did the leftover thing and more and more that’s becoming the trend. Before, instead of leftovers, I would just go eat out which was getting expensive and getting pretty bad for me. As you may recall from yesterday’s blog the tacos were only 4 points a piece. The shells weren’t big enough to fill the meat that the recipe calls for so I made some nachos sans the cheese. Instead I just put the taco meat, the pico de gallo, and a little H-E-B salsa from a bottle that we brought with us unopened from Texas. (I could do a whole blog series about how much we miss H-E-B, but that would be more boring than that orange paragraph.) Anywho, the chips were only 3 points for 9 chips and the tacos were 8 points total.

(This is where a picture is suppose to be but I failed and I was too hungry to take a picture but let’s be honest, you know what Chick-fil-a looks like.) Dinner: Megan and I went on a little Chick-fil-a date for college night. We each got an 8 piece nugget and we split a large fry. Chick-fil-a is actually pretty good if you are on a diet if you need to eat something greasy and delicious. So the nuggets were only 6 points, half of the large fry is only 5 points, and 2 points for BBQ sauce. Overall a really good eating out meal.

Snack: another 1 point orange. We all know how I feel about that.

Overall today I wrangled up 31 points. I wanted to work out today but it didn’t happen this morning but I’m going tomorrow and it shall be epic. See ya tomorrow.

P.S. We just started to watch that Mike & Molly show (the one about 2 heavy folks getting together.) From what I’ve seen so far, I might have a really good rant tomorrow. You’ll just have to see…

0 thoughts on “Oh Thank Heaven For Day 11

  1. Awesome! I love Kashi cereal, I’m glad you’ve discovered it. I like a different mix, though – it’s got all this funky shaped pieces. My favorite, according to the front of the box, are the “fiber twigs.” That’s the most unappetizing way to describe food ever, and I love it cause the description makes me laugh! Throwing a serving of that in a ziploc is a great snack.

    Yes, I know the orange peelers you are talking about. I’ve had one like that and another one that is better (from Target maybe?) It’s got a round, grippy handle and a tiny sharpened hook on the end that cuts through the orange skin. I love it! That crazy apple coring/slicing tool is another essential.

  2. Skip Mike & Molly. Awful! 1.6 pounds is fine. More than 2 pounds per week isn’t considered healthy anyway. You are an inspiration and I am watching my points now too. Thank you Nathan! I am really enjoying your blog.

  3. Nathan,

    This is super cool! Go you! I’ve had one of those orange peeler things before but still managed to get sticky orange all over my hands. Grumble. Anyway I’m excited to follow your progress!

    Catherine (one of Megan’s musicology buddies)