Welcome To The New Home For The FFK!!!

new blogSo I was going to wait until next week to promote this, BUT I AM OFFICIALLY A SELF-HOSTING BLOGGER! I feel so grown up! I’ve spend most of tonight (when the power finally came back on) transferring files, downloading plugins (if you have a favorite plugin, let me know!), and exploring all the possibilities with this new format. I decided to go through bluehost.com which was ridiculously easily. I realllllllly wanted to get ffk.com but the Future Media Architects (because FMA and FFK are exactly the same abbreviations…) have claimed my beautiful domain. Jerks.

You might remember that I was going to self host at fotographingfatkid.com, but that kind of fell through for a few reasons. But this time, I didn’t want the whole blog name because A) it’s hard to spell out B) I sometimes forget to mention that Fotographing spelled with an F and not a P C) I was sick of explaining why it’s spelled with an F and (most importantly) D) when I get down to a healthy weight of my choosing (AKA when I reach Onederland), I’m going to change my blog name to The Fotographing Fit Kid. I can’t wait to get there!

It’s going to be a challenge to change my blog URL in every nook and cranny of the interwebs, so I am still in a transition phase. Especially since I just bought this awesome shirt on Thursday for Fitbloggin’…



Like I said…transition phase.

So if you see my nathanalbert.wordpress.com anywhere on the Internet, let me know so I can change it! Anyway, check out my weigh in/delicious anniversary post either tomorrow or Monday right here!

Welcome to theffkid.com!

10 thoughts on “Welcome To The New Home For The FFK!!!

  1. SO awesome! Congratulations, and can’t wait to see where you go with this, since you’ve already done so much with your previous blog.

  2. Welcome to the big grown up land of blogging! 😉

    There’s awesome plug-in that you can download to automatically transfer to the new one. I honestly cannot remember the name. But if you tweet Ryan @ryandonsullivan he can probably tell you what it is.

    There is so much awesome to self-hosting. I’m sure you’ll find you love it. 🙂

    • Thanks! Yeah, it’s pretty awesome! I transferred them all with WordPress Importer earlier tonight. It was super easy!

    • Thanks! I made it through CustomInk.com! I created my logo with PS a while back and it was uber easy to upload it in to their site! Check out bluehost.com. That’s who I went through for self hosting!

  3. Sweet! Self-hosted is so much fun! I already updated your link on my blog. 🙂 There’s a plug-in set called Jetpack that will auto post your new stuff to G+, Facebook, Twitter, bunch of other places automatically a well as do a ton of other stuff like track stats.

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