An Apology For Friday

So… yeah, sorry about the lack of postage (not stamps…. posting) yesterday. We hung out with friends in to the wee ones last night. It was good to hang out and relax after a intense 4 day work week. It use to not always be that way, I use to welcome and love 4 day weeks but now it just means more work in less time. Awesome. Anyways, to recap yesterday: I ate pretty much right at my points, Matt and I played racquetball and got kicked of our courts twice because they were reserved, and I drank a crapton of water. I know this is going to sad bad (but I don’t care) but I’m ready for people who have work out resolutions to get lazy so the traffic at the gym would lighten up. The gym at FSU is pretty big but yesterday I actually felt claustrophobic. No bueno. Anyways, I don’t really mean that I hope people screw up their resolutions, that’s wrong, but something needs to happen to lighten the traffic load. Overall, Friday was a good day and so far today has been awesome. Read all about it later. See ya tonight.

0 thoughts on “An Apology For Friday

  1. I know precisely what you mean by heavy gym traffic! It can be frustrating, especially if you want to use a particular machine or something and you have to wait around for it. It’s a big motivation-destroyer.