Slight Program Change
Television is a funny thing.
In a media where the objective of a network is to optimize advertising revenue; the original purpose of a channel, to create entertaining programming, is sometimes lost in the shuffle. I mean, how else could the cast of “Friends” make over a million dollars an episode in the early 2000’s? They weren’t producing a tangible product like a Ferrari or a mining for a precious commodity like oil; the only thing you could say they were creating was a few sarcastic Chandler zingers and the most frustrating couple in the history of television. (Sorry Ross and Rachel, “we were on a break” is not a great argument in a relationship. Also, how the crap did Ross, the loserest of losers, even finally land the ridiculously fantastically awesome Rachel? Or Maurice the Monkey for that matter?)

But I digress…

Because of this monstrous ability to generate revenue, shows will get rearranged, or even cancelled, if a another show is more likely to make more moolah in a certain time slot. That’s why “The Big Bang Theory,” another show where the main characters are making about a million an episode, is getting moved back to Monday night from Thursday night to make way for network’s new Thursday Night Football. Not only does the NFL rake in a serious amount of viewers, the price tag for an ad for a football game dwarfs the amount companies pay for that time slot when a sitcom is running. CBS is taking advantage of a situation to better their corporation and chances of making more said moolah.

Enter: the point of why I’m even bringing this up.

For the past two weeks, the number on the scale when I’ve weighed in has been inflated since I treat my Saturday like a cheat day.

My weekly schedule looks like this:
Monday-Thursday: Stay really strict with my eating and go on some seriously intense, yet gratifying, dates with Henrietta the Kettlebell.
Friday: Indulge with a nice, but sensible, dinner while still exercising
Cook out, let loose with some friends, tailgate, celebrate not working, etc.
Sunday: Weigh in and feel absolutely terrible about life for most of the day, only to weigh in again later in the day to see that my morning weight was actually 4 pounds less than the number I put in earlier that morning.

This has been cycle of hell for a long time. While I have fun on Saturday, I spend my whole Sunday thinking “why did I even go hang out and eat anything at all yesterday? I feel like such an idiot. I should have just stayed home, eaten crackers, and slept until my Sunday morning weigh-in.” And this isn’t even when I go out and do wild and crazy stuff. This happens even when I eat at a place like Subway. I kind of wish this was all hyperbolic, but it’s not.
I love being social and that’s what makes this all so hard. I love hanging out with people and enjoying this time in my life. What I hate is how I treat myself after I’ve overeaten. I need a few hours of feeling “normal” to balance out how hard it is for me to stay on track the whole week. I’m sure that might so crazy to some of you, but that’s my life. I have to work hard to avoid gaining back all my weight and the longer I go on this journey, the harder it is not to let the rope slip through my fingers.

I have been thinking about this for a while and although this isn’t a complete solution, I am going to give this a try. I think it’s time for me to move around my regularly-scheduled programing to optimize the profits of my life. Starting this week, I’m going to change my weigh-in day to Thursday. I want to see what happens when I weigh in during the week and not in the middle of when I might eat something with a lot of sodium in it. I want to see how that will affect my attitude towards the weekend. This doesn’t mean I’m going to be able to just YOLO my whole weekend. This means I’ll have to actually count on the weekends instead of like now where I don’t count and throw a mental pitty party on Saturdays. I know it might sound crazy, and that’s fine. We’ll see how this all goes together. So on Thursday, I’ll be weighing in. Here goes nothing.

September Goals and Stuff



The semester has begun.
Hang on to your butts.

Now that September is finally here, I’ve realized that I want to end this year (because January will be here before you can sing “Let it Go”) with an epic bang. I really feel that I have put myself in the position to finally be done with this extra weight. Between my love affair with Henrietta the Kettlebell and tweaking my eating habits, I know that the weight will start to drop and my body will start to tone. Trust me, I’ve already see some great results thanks to Daily Burn’s 3-month kettlebell workout.

Here are a few goals I have set for myself this month to keep me on track. All of them are incredibly attainable…if I just push myself a little.

And yes, my September photo is ridiculous. I just googled “September” and owls popped up. It was a no brainer.

155Drop 10 pounds
It’s no secret that I have some extra weight that I am ready to get off. I am tired of being in the 250’s and sometimes the 260’s. I am doing the work to get out of the 250’s, but I let my bad eating get in the way on the weekends. (More on that in a second.)

HenriettaWork out 23 times in September
I have been pretty consistent with my exercising for the past few weeks…probably more consistent than it has ever been. For those of you who don’t know, Daily Burn is an app that sends you a workout every day that’s a part of a specific program. Like I said earlier, I’ve been doing the DBK workout almost every day. While some days are 50 minutes long, some are just 15 minute yoga sessions so the program is safe and includes those much-needed rest and rebuilding days. With essentially 27 days left in September, I’m aiming to work out 23 times by end of the month. I’m giving myself 4 rest and/or mulligan days because some days there’s just not enough time to work out. That being said, I will work out every time I have the time. That’s a lot of dates with Henrietta…

blog-clipart-blog_clip_artBlog at least once a week
(Seriously, Google has some awesomely weird clip art…) My goal is to write at least a weigh in post and one other post through out the weak. It might not always something epic, but it will be (hopefully) readable.

The Pretty Boy, The FFK and The Wolf walk into a tailgate...

The Pretty Boy, The FFK and The Wolf walk into a tailgate party…

Control my eating in social situations (i.e. tailgating)
I feel like this is the goal that will determine the success or failure of losing 10 pounds in September. As the most wonderful time of the year, college football season, begins here in Tallahassee, so does tailgating season. Because there is really nothing more fun than cooking, eating, playing ladder golf and watching your team tear through the ACC in the swamptastic days of summer disguised in fall clothing. A combination of poor eating and excessive heat on a Saturday does not successful weigh in make on Sunday. While we won’t tailgate every weekend in September, I am going to cook some healthy takes on tailgate favorites when we do and grill all the deliciously healthy stuff while I’m at home!

So like I said, these goals aren’t crazy, but they will take some work. Regardless, it will all be worth it this time next month.


One more thing…
If you live in the west, you have to watch Extreme Weight Loss tonight! It features the awesome Rod Durham from Tallahassee!!!!!

Rewarding Myself With Delicious And Sweaty Things

I love my job, but it can get, how do I say this, a little sporadic at times.
You see, the role of a PR/Marketing coordinator for a program at a university means you are a Jack of all trades and a master of…one? Maybe? You help support your co-workers and their programs because when they succeed, the office’s brand succeeds.

This week, our office is putting on a seminar for a select group of AWESOME incoming freshmen who are learning about leadership, service and diversity and what it means to create positive and sustainable change in the FSU community. It’s an amazing program.

But back to the utility player point…

So I have been promoting this program all week along with volunteering to help with random odds and ends.

So this was my schedule today:
7:15 am-pick up doughnuts for students
7:30-7:45 am-interviewed students for a press release
7:45-8:15 am-took group and individual photos for the program
8:30-9:45 am-answered emails
10:00-10:15 am-took some staff photos for our website
10:15-10:25 am-drove to the food bank where students were serving
10:25-10:40 am-took photos as students were wrapping up
10:40-10:50 am-drove back to campus
11:00-11:40 am-created an outline for release while trying to figure out why Word was freezing every time I tried to copy and paste
11:45-1 pm-gave up and went to lunch
1:00-2:00 pm-wrote and edited press release for publication
2:00-3:00 pm-edited photos for news story
3:00-4:30 pm-answered more emails and planned for tomorrow
(not included in this timeline: drinking multiple cups of coffee and talking to a few co-workers about fitness. Because my office is awesome like that.)

If we really broke down our days, we have little time to ourselves. We work hard and sometimes so hard that we just become unproductive. When we get home, the last thing we want to do is think, work or be active. Instead, in my case anyway, we justify ordering terrible food and doing nothing but plopping ourselves down on the couch for a five-hour marathon of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. For some warped reason, we think that’s how we are supposed to reward ourselves for a day of work.

I’m here to say that if you are doing that, you are doing life wrong.

(And yes, that sentence was directed towards yours truly as well.)

As an overweight society, we see exercise and healthy eating as some kind of punishment. That we are depriving us from YOLOing up our lives when in reality our YOLOing is just being lethargic and heavy. Today, I realized that these things aren’t tasks that I am forced to do; rather, I am rewarding my body with a better and longer life.

Selfie With DoakSTEAK






Today I rewarded myself two ways: running and eating steak.
Yes, steak.

Now for most, the idea of running three miles in the swampy south with a heat index above 100 degrees sounds brutal. That’s because it is. It’s not pretty, there is a lot of sweat but running around a place you love always helps. With all the hectic scenarios I was in today, I focused on my running reward because it’s something I love and something that I know I’m good at. When I run, the day (and the calories) just melt away. But it’s not just a reward because I love it, it is a reward to my body for sitting at a desk for 8+ hours. It is also a reward because I am challenging my body to do amazing things. How is that not a reward for your body? It’s not a punishment. It’s a privilege.

So about the steak…
When I went to lunch, I had to go to Publix to pick up a few items for said lunch. As usual, I ended up in the meat section. That’s when it hit me, “after this already crazy day, I deserve a steak.” So I bought a New York strip and it became another point of focus to get through this day.

Now like a lot of you out there in the weight-losing community, the idea of rewarding yourself with food is generally frowned upon, and I usually agree. But this wasn’t about food. This was about rewarding myself with the beautifully methodical task to cook. This was about doing something beyond the standard plopping on the couch and watching TV. Like running, I rewarded myself with doing something I love. And it didn’t feel like I was rewarding myself with the food because I made sure it was within my points for the day. In fact, I avoided a lot of snacks and treats today because I knew that if I ate something I shouldn’t have, I wouldn’t have the points for steak! Then, I didn’t even finish the steak which is a whole other win in itself.

While we are all busy, it’s important to make time for yourself when you can. Try to reward yourself each day with something you and your body will love. It will have a ripple effect on the rest of your life.

What will you do to reward your body this week?

Well what do you know…

hard work does pay off!

So, like most weigh-ins, I really didn’t know how this was going to go. Recently, I’ve been having weird weigh-in dreams the night before. Last week’s dream involved eating pizza. And then I gained.
Coincidence? I think not.

My take on the scale this week was simple: it won’t tell the whole story. The scale wasn’t going to take into consideration my extra steps, my 64 Activity Points, or how I resisted potentially hazardous eating situations. It wouldn’t take developing awesome habits into consideration either, which was what this week was all about. A lower number would just be an added bonus.

Soooooooooo I LOST 5.2 FREAKIN’ POUNDS!!!!!!!

Which means…

I CAN OFFICIALLY SAY I’VE LOST 100 POUNDS AGAIN!!&text1=boomshakalaka&text2=&text3=

I actually got on the scale twice to make sure that was right! Throughout the week, I could definitely feel and see that weight come off my body. My stomach is already starting to deflate and shirts are starting to fit a little better.

But I’m not out of the (Randy) woods by any stretch of the imagination.

Which brings me to my next point…

I can already tell I’m going to need some patience during this rebuilding phase
While some clothes fit better, some clothes still don’t fit at all…and that really bothers me. Earlier this week, I thought “OK…I ate well and worked out today. WHY DON’T I LOOK DIFFERENT ALREADY???” I had to talk myself off the ledge a little bit and remember that this is going to take a while. Eating well and exercise are the solution, but they’re not magic either. While I’m happy and uber proud of my weigh in this morning, I know it will be hard not to get frustrated when I lose half a pound. But I am, and always have been, in this for the long haul. I’ll just need a reminder of that in a few weeks. Regardless, I am ready to keep this healthy lifestyle up and the extra amount of work that it takes!

Speaking of extra amount…

I need to prioritize my goals with fitness
When it comes to exercise, I’m one that tends to take too much on all at once; which leads to me crashing and burning and not falling through with much. Aside from training for my first half marathon, that has been my issue most of my life. Instead of focusing on one or two things, I try to dabble. Which is where I kind of am right now.

When I trained for that first half, all I did was run. I didn’t cross train at all like I should have. I was already getting my cardiovascular health in a good place, why not the rest of my body? So as I begin to plan for half training which will most likely be in October for the Tallahassee Half and Enchanted 10k, both in February, I have been trying to figure out what I should do to torch some serious fat to make running easier on my body. There are so many things that I want to do and try, but I have to remind myself that I am only one guy. I can’t do everything right this minute.

Not to mention that whole have to make time for working, eating and paying bills, thing.

So right now, I really want to actually maintain a regular schedule of strength training at the gym. I have yet to do that during my weight loss journey. I have either been too nervous to work out in the Bro Den at the FSU gym, or I have just gotten bored with it. I know that I can get the results that I want by lifting because I did it in high school. I definitely wasn’t ripped, but I could set a new max every few weeks. I just haven’t tried to be disciplined with it. I’m thinking about signing up for a personal trainer at FSU and focusing strictly on strength training this semester. I know I would be more comfortable with that foundation too.

The other thing I’ve been wanting to try for a looooooong time is a kettlebell workout routine. I have used KBs a ton of different ways over the years and each time I fall in love all over again. They are like no other workout I have ever done. I also see and feel some killer results with them too. One thing I really want to do is the 90 day Daily Burn KB program (if you haven’t checked out Daily Burn, GO THERE NOW!!!!) because I could do it at home before or after work. A lot of the KB workouts require a strong core which I don’t have but want to gain.


Well, regardless, my plan is to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and then hit the gym, wherever that may be, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There are about a 1,000 other classes and workouts that I want to try (spinning and Zumba, just to name a few), but I don’t know how or where they fit right now. During the year, I am considering just trying one class a week and then make Friday a makeup day. The issue is, FSU Campus Rec is just too awesome and has too much awesome stuff!!!!!

Soooooo that’s about it. Life is awesome. And I’m dang proud of this past week. This upcoming week will be a challenge because it’s essentially the first week back for FSU (or at least for faculty and staff anyway). Time to make awesomeness happen.

Here’s to an awesome week.
And remember…

the best is yet to come

Summer Reflections: What Went Wrong and What Will Go Right
It has been quite the summer.
I can’t believe that it’s already time for back to school shopping…
and new students…
and football…
and Christmas ornaments inside the Hallmark store…
yes, that was a thing I saw at the mall today…
but that rant is for another post.

By the time we blink, we will look back and wonder how it’s already time to make our New Year’s resolutions and why we haven’t tried to tackle them sooner.

I’m starting to see that as trend in my own life.

Three years ago this past Thursday, I officially lost 100 pounds for the first time. I weighed in below 257 pounds and I had done it all in 319 days. When I first started losing weight, I was shooting to lose 100 pounds by the time I finished grad school, but I blew that out of the water because I was loving my body and the things it could do for the first time in my life. Since that time, I have been above 257 pounds only a few times, the week after that weigh-in and this summer. Between vacationing, not eating well, and the extra weight I had already strapped on because of stress, I have been above that number for about a month. So this anniversary has been bittersweet, but has served as a wake up call for my journey.

Which leads me to tonight’s post…

The summer, with its ups and downs, has brought clarity to some things I have been struggling with in my weight loss journey. Because sometimes when we are sinking in the muck and mire, things are the most clear.

The reality is, if I don’t put my health and eating in front of other things in my life, I will gain my weight back.

During this past year, I got cocky and at times intentionally slacked off or didn’t track my food because I knew a week of hard work could balance everything out. But before I knew it, I was in too deep.

When I weighed in 36 pounds away from my lowest weight last week, I realized that if I slack too much now, the weight will pack back on in no time. To put it in perspective, if I dio the same thing I did this past year this upcoming year, odds are I would gain another 30-40 pounds. That means I would be back in the 300’s. If I did the same thing a year after that, I would be almost back to my starting weight. (Even as I’m typing this I’m freaked out). I can’t won’t let myself do that. Being physically uncomfortable at this weight has reminded me how horrible I felt all the time when I was obese.

With that all being said, there is a beautiful silver lining to this. When I reach my goal weight one day and I feel like slacking off for a while, I’m going to remember this season of my life and how guilty and frustrated I’ve felt. I will remember this as a teachable moment in my journey. It’s a conclusion I’ve had to come to on my own and in my own time.

So as this new school year begins and my life gets incredibly hectic all over again until December, I am going to make time for me. I’m going to exercise every day, whether that’s a run, lifting weights, or even a brisk walk (heck, I might even throw in some prancercising in there too…) and fuel my body with the food that it deserves because I’m responsible for this temple of awesomeness. I am very optimistic for this new year and can’t wait to see where I am the next time I’m celebrating my 100-pound milestone.


The Art of Losing & Gaining Control of Your Life

It’s so funny when you have an idea for a post, but then don’t know how to weave it in to your blog and then fate helps you out…whether you like it or not.

You see, I had this idea for a post about how the app Timehop can inspire someone to appreciate how far they’ve come along in life. I’m not just talking about fitness either. I look back at some of my old posts and think “wow, I’ve come a long way in four years…” (Grad school, marriage and a big-boy job will do that to you I guess.) But when I looked at my photo from a year ago, I had a complete inverse reaction.

photo 1A year ago today, I weighed 225.8 pounds. Essentially my lowest weight. At that weight, I felt fit. I felt comfortable. I felt normal. When I got on the scale this morning, I weighed 261.8 pounds. I have roller coastered my way up 36 pounds. Now granted, I haven’t been this heavy for the whole time. In fact, I was down to the 233 in January. But with vacations, an inordinate amount of stress this summer, and high level of complacency, I am letting the rope slip out of my hands as I am watching it all fall apart in front of me. I feel sick about that number. For the first time in three years, I am out of the “century club”. I will have to lose at least 5 pounds until I can say I’ve lost 100 pounds again.

After I got off the scale, I went through the stages of grief, but I didn’t pout and sulk for too long. You see all summer I’ve been out of whack. My eating has been the best it has ever been (I can make an epic low point salad) and then it was Obese Nathan bad (thirds on desserts, anyone?) My exercising was great and then lethargically terrible. Frankly, this past year has been a season of feeling just lost emotionally, physically and spiritually for me and I hate it. I somehow lost my focal point amid my new job and everything else. And maybe that’s been it, I have just been too busy to lose weight. When I say that, I say it knowing good and well it’s because I’ve replaced that time with eating out and binge watching TV, not counting points and going on long runs.

Whew, now that I have that inner-dialogue therapy session all written out…

photo 3After I got off the scale, I took freakin’ control of my life. I had a sensible breakfast, went to church, and came home and organized my life. For the first time ever on my own, I made a meal plan for the week. I didn’t give myself any wiggle room. I know I have at least two variables in my week, but that is it. Then, I went to the grocery store and bought everything I needed for the week. Again, nothing extra. I always get caught up by extraneous purchases because usually they are carbtastic so I binge the crap out of them. So since I can recognize my triggers, I need to set myself up for success by just abstaining from chips and crackers and other stuff like that. Anyway, I got home and cleaned up the kitchen so I can’t use the ol’ “oh no, there are three dishes in the sink. The kitchen is too messy to cook. Time to order a pizza!” excuse. Then I just cleaned around the house so I would have control of my spaces, instead of feeling helpless in my own house (I’m going to do the same thing with my office tomorrow.) Even those simple actions reduced my stress enough for me to feel calm and relaxed.

photo 5So here’s the deal. I’m going to try something a little different this week. A loooooong time ago, I used to track and post my points on the blog everyday. While that was awesome and helpful, it definitely got stressful and tedious for me because sometimes a screen is the last thing you want to see when you get home. So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take a screenshot of my Weight Watchers app every day this week with my total points and post it to my Instagram account. It will help me actually track and it will hold me accountable to you, dear reader. Here is my tracker for today. For those of you tracking at home, I have modified my points down to 43 daily points because 55 is too many. When I made the transition from old to new, I went from 28 daily points to 54 so trust me, I’m not gaining because I’m not eating enough…

I kind of feel like I’m starting over again with this, but I really am. At the very beginning, I told myself that if I could pass the 6-week mark of tracking, then this would stick. Consider this week one. See ya on Instagram.




29 Awesome Things I Learned In The Bahamas

Back from the BahamasHey kids!
I’m baaaaaaccccckkkk!
(hmmmm…that kind of looks like that was said by a sheep…)Megan and I are back from an awesomely relaxing trip in the Bahamas at the wonderful Breezes Resort! My coworkers keep telling me that I look relaxed and very tan.
Meh, I’ll take either.
Anyway, I’m going to write an unsolicited review of the resort sometime soon, but for now I just wanted share with you 28 random thoughts about the trip that I wrote on the plane in my handy dandy notebook. Enjoy!

  1. The Bahamas are pretty Americanized. They even take US currency.
  2. The resort carried CBC. I watched a lot of Canadian television.
  3. Climbing a rock wall is awesome.
  4. Customer service>style
  5. Miami’s airport is a zoo.
  6. Fried conch is a weird sea snail but it tastes like clam strips.
  7. Become friends with other vacationers.
  8. Pool volleyball is a fun way to make said friends.
  9. Peddleboats are deceptively complicated.
  10. Nassau has a beautiful airport.
  11. Megan is a pool shark in training.
  12. Kayaking is a fun way to get an ab workout.
  13. When you climb a rock wall for the first time, expect some serious blisters and/or ripped skin on your hands.
  14. But it’s still worth it.
  15. Always try new things while on vacation. That way if you don’t do well, it’s in front of people that you’ll never see again.
  16. This is particularly true when it comes to belting out the last verse of “Piano Man” that no one else knows.
  17. Always do the fun and goofy activities at the resort. Everyone else is.
  18. Don’t take yourself too seriously while on vacation.
  19. In fact, never take yourself too seriously.
  20. Make time to just sit and watch TV in your hotel room.
  21. Wreck-It Ralph is awesome.
  22. I feel like I’ve failed at life for not watching it sooner.
  23. If you’re staying in a resort, don’t feel pressured to leave and explore your surroundings. Keep the paradise facade alive during your trip.
  24. Anna Nichole Smith was buried next to our resort.
  25. Some foreigners are just as interested in your culture as you are in theirs.
  26. Ask them where they have traveled.
  27. Wear sunscreen.
  28. Start planning your next adventure while your mind is clear of work gunk.
  29. But seriously, wear sunscreen.

[GUEST POST] Top Threeve Things I’ve Learned From My Weight Loss Journey

Hey Kids!
This FFK is still on vacay, but I have another awesome blogging treat for you!
Dani from Weight Off My Shoulders has one heck of a success story! She is a Weight Watchers LEGEND and when she’s not leading a meeting, she’s probably running, triathaloning or drinking chocolate milk. She’s pretty fantastic and this post is hilariously epic. Be sure to check out her Facebook page too!
Take it away, Dani…

Top Threeve Things I’ve Learned From My Weight Loss Journey

Did you know a serving size of Cheez-Its ISN’T the entire box?

I am going to give you a minute to process that.

Mmm Cheez-Its.


Who starts a blog post talkin’ bout Cheez-Its when there are no Cheez-Its being offered.



Okay have you processed the original question?

Have you forgotten the original question?

Did you know a serving size of Cheez-Its ISN’T the entire box?

Shocking, right?

Well this was one of the FIRST lessons I learned after starting Weight Watchers. Not that I have truly “learned” the lesson … there was the great Cheez-It incident of May 2012 where I proceeded to eat the entire box in less than 20 minutes. But hey, I did go for a 12-mile run the next day. That my friends is progress.

This was my first and hardest lesson learned so far in my weight loss and weight maintenance journey.

It makes me grumpy, but I accept it.

Now I can share the rest of my Top Threeve Things I’ve Learned during this amazing weight loss journey of mine.


Numbero Dos: When starting an exercise/workout/getting your booty off the couch routine … pick something you can have fun with!


I know I should’ve gotten more into it, but really running a marathon through Disney World can just be so blah-zay! 😉

Since starting this crazy journey, I’ve attempted to bust a move in a hip hop class at the gym, tripped over my own feet during Zumba and managed to not sprain an ankle in step aerobics. All experiences led to more calories being burned laughing at myself after the fact, but I wouldn’t change the experiences.

And if that doesn’t work find another form of motivation!



#3: The “D” word may no longer be spoken in my presence.


Yup, I’ve done this a time or two or seventy. Sorry random lady in the bathroom at that place that time. My bad!

The “D” word makes me think of deprivation and that just doesn’t fly in my world. If you tell me no more Cheez-Its, I’m making my way to the next CVS to clear out their entire stock. Knowing I can fit my vices loves into my plan, make it worth it!


Four – Part A: Learning to love the then.

For too long I looked angrily at the then photos. I would scream at the “old” me wanting to know why I let it get to that point. How could you let yourself get to 235 lbs? Why couldn’t you love yourself enough to stop earlier? Why didn’t you have control?

But, the more I hated on the prior – the more critical I was of the current.


Next time you look at your prior/before/then take a moment to adjust your thought process to one of positivity and love. You will never truly love your now if you don’t accept the then. Just sayin’!


And last, but certainly lost least, the threeve-th and most important tip I have learned since starting my lifestyle change…

It’s really quite simple. Through the up and the down … the good and the bad … the happy and the sad …

Always remember that you are:




No matter how long the journey takes, no it is worth it. Hang in there. Have your grapes two ways: in a bowl and in a wine glass. But, just make sure you…

finish what you started

[GUEST POST] Doctor Who and Living a Healthy Life

Why yes, this post is ridiculously epic….
Hey kids! I’m taking a blog vacation for a few days so I have some of my favorite bloggers posting on the FFK blog!

When I was at Fitbloggin’ this year, I officially my blogging buddy Jill from the Year of the Phoenix! We both have quite the nerdy side, so when she told me about her guest post, I audibly squealed in my office at work. Definitely give her blog some love and like her on Facebook!

Take it away, Jill…

Hi everyone! My name is Jill and I write over at The Year of the Phoenix and I am so thrilled to be here guest posting for Nathan! As soon as I told him my topic idea he jumped at the chance, as I knew he would. This is actually a post that is part of my own archives but I wrote it over a year and a half ago and decided it was time for an update and this was the perfect opportunity since, like me, Nathan is also a big Doctor Who fan!

As my regular readers are aware, I like to do these Healthy Living Lessons From…posts, usually pulling from popular culture like Orange is the New Black and Pixar movies. Doctor Who is a British show about a time and space traveler known as The Doctor who travels in his TARDIS, fashioned after an iconic blue police telephone box. I started watching it a few years ago and was instantly hooked. The new season starts up soon and I AM SO EXCITED.

So! With that, let’s GERONIMO our way into the Doctor’s world.

Keep Your Companions By Your Side

By his nature, The Doctor is a rather singular character. All of his family and his entire species of Time Lords are gone. He’s the last one. He’s also 900 years old so he’s going to outlive every person he meets (and, being 900 years old he’s going to meet a lot of people). Personal connections are difficult and while different regenerations of The Doctor handle this personality quirk differently, the one thing he always knows is that he can’t do it alone. He needs assistance on his adventures and they come in the form of his companions: the men and women (mostly women) who travel with him in the TARDIS and help him save the world over and over and over again.

Likewise, it’s impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without support from friends and family. You need people you can go to when you’re struggling. People who will help you and motivate you to keep going. The other week I was having a bad body image day and I immediately reached out to my friend Kelly for support. Texting with her allowed me to figure out what had triggered it and gave me an opportunity to learn from it for the future. Without having my network, I would probably have just ended up wallowing which would have only made the bad body image worse.

You also need to know that your own personal companions aren’t going to sabotage your efforts, whether it’s intentional or unintentional. This means understanding that you may not be going out to eat as often or not drinking as much or that your workouts sometimes have to come before your social life. They not only need to know about these changes they have to support them. This means no guilt tripping you or encouraging you to eat something you know you shouldn’t under the guise of “just one won’t kill you” or any of that bullshit. If someone isn’t supportive of your healthy lifestyle then they aren’t supportive of you.

Takes a Lot Of Heart

Or, in The Doctor’s case, two hearts. (No. Really. He has two of them.)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is not easy. As this saying goes, if it was easy than everyone would do it. And I’m not just talking about losing weight, be it 10 pounds or 135. I’m talking about balancing a healthy lifestyle. I’m talking about giving your diet an overhaul or building up a fitness routine. It takes passion and determination and motivation. You aren’t going to wake up one day and say I’m going to lose 100 pounds or I’m going to run a marathon and then expect it to magically happen. You have to work towards that goal. You have to put in the time and energy over and over and over again. You have to continually be putting in the effort. Because, truthfully, the race that is healthy living, there is no finish line.

Don’t Blink

Those stupid f*cking Weeping Angels, man. I don’t know about other Whovians, but as soon as I even just think about the Angels I start blinking uncontrollably.

Whatever healthy living change you are trying to make, don’t blink. Don’t take your eye off the ball. Be it losing weight or adding in new exercise routines or just eating better, don’t ever forget why you want the change to happen. I carry Before pictures around on my phone as a constant reminder of what I don’t want to be anymore. It’s not even just about not wanting to look like that but not wanting to weigh 311 pounds and having no energy, no life, no happiness. That is what keeps me motivated to keep going.

Bow Ties Are Cool

As are Converse sneakers. Or a striped scarf. It always sort of kills me whenever I read people (usually on stupid internet message boards) complaining about stores like Torrid because they see them as encouraging obesity, as if fat girls should be stuck wearing mumus for the rest of their life. As if forcing them to wear ugly clothes will someone force them to lose weight. I always want to yell You don’t really understand how this works, do you? Emotional eaters eat because they feel bad about themselves. They gain weight and need bigger clothes. If those bigger clothes make them look and feel like crap then they are going to continue to eat crap. So, in a way, you are encouraging obesity.

Look. Wear what you want to wear and stop worrying about the number on the tag. The clothing industry is ridiculous in that there is no sizing consistency across labels and brands. I can wear a 12 in one brand and in another it’s a 16. I could let it bother me but instead I buy whatever size makes me feel confident and happy. Trust me, people, wearing a particular size out of vanity isn’t going to do you any favors when the pants are so tight you are uncomfortable and everyone can see the muffin top.


My absolute favorite Doctor Who character is River Song. The woman is a fucking bad ass and tends to wear femme fatale noir clothing. I mean, really: what isn’t there to love about River?

One of the coolest things about River is how we are introduced to her: in her very first episode, The Doctor has no idea who the hell she is but River knows all sorts of personal information about him. Including events in his life that haven’t even happened yet (side note: the relationship between River and The Doctor was partially inspired by The Time-Traveler’s Wife, one of my favorite books). River carries around this blue journal that looks a lot like the TARDIS and in it she has a whole history/future  of Doctor adventures only she refuses to tell him about any of it. Whenever someone mentions the journal she’ll just give that smile of her’s and say “Spoilers!”

We don’t know how our own stories are going to end. We don’t know what’s up ahead. We may lose more weight, we may gain it all back, or we may stay exactly where we are. There’s just no telling what life has in store for us, but that’s part of the beauty of the journey. When I first wrote this post back in March 2013 I had lost 135 pounds. Since then, thanks to life and stress and bad coping, I’ve regained 60 pounds, which I’ve always been completely honest and transparent about.

But that is soooooooo not what I saw coming for my future. But it is what it is and at this point I don’t know where I’ll be in another year and a half. Maybe I’ll be down, maybe I’ll be the same. But do you wanna know what else I didn’t see coming? The fact that I’m currently training for my third half marathon and this past Sunday I became a certified to teach spin classes. Oh yeah.

Yes, it’s scary not knowing and it would be so much easier if I could see in the future and know that twenty or thirty years down the road I’ll still be maintaining this weight and running more races and all of that. But I don’t know that and I won’t know until I get there. All I can really do is just take it one day at a time here in the present.

Bigger On the Inside

The Doctor travels in a time and space machine known as The TARDIS. It’s disguised as a big blue old-fashioned public telephone box. The running joke with the TARDIS is that it’s bigger on the inside. Like, way bigger. Swimming pool and multiple bedrooms and all sorts of timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly bigger.

We’ve all heard it before, that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, but in the case of the TARDIS it really is true. And it’s true for all of us, too. Because the TARDIS isn’t just a blue box and you are not just the number on the scale or your dress size. So never let any of those things define you or your sense of self. Eleven rocks his bow ties and Fez hats and doesn’t care what anyone thinks because he knows he has so much more to offer the world. Like, y’know, saving it.

There Will Always Be Daleks to Exterminate

No matter how many times The Doctor saves the world from the Daleks or Cybermen or whatever, they are always coming back for  another fight. Healthy living — and weight maintenance in particular — is very much the same thing, because it’s a constant battle. A battle with yourself to find the motivation to wake up early and workout. A battle at the grocery store or restaurant.

Maybe battle is the wrong word as it sounds too negative. My point is just that you have to be aggressive and get after it. You can’t get lazy and allow yourself to fall back on old habits or a false sense of security, because as soon as you do that’s when the threat returns. I learned that the hard way, but it’s okay because I feel armed with my electronic screwdriver and I’m ready to do battle again.

Can Always Regenerate

So The Doctor that will be gracing television screens across the world in a few weeks is the same character as the one who was in the original 1963 premiere. Because there is only one Doctor. There just happens to be different versions and incarnations of him. That’s why they are each given numbers. Like, say, the upcoming Twelve. It’s a unique feature of the Time Lord species that allows the dying or wounded Doctor to stay alive by transforming into a new body (which often also comes with a new personality). It’s how new actors are introduced into the role (and probably how it’s managed to stay on the air for 50 years without the lead jumping the shark).

For us this means that there is always an opportunity for reinvention. A chance to try again. So you  overeat at the family reunion this past weekend. Monday morning you get to wake up to a fresh day with new choices. So your most recent race time wasn’t the best. Sign up for another race and go for that PR. You fell while trying to do a headstand in yoga class. Shake it off and try again next week.

We are always a work in progress and have all the advantages and opportunities to constantly better ourselves. Don’t ever take that for granted

Vacation Recap and Being Back on Track

Hello! I’m back!

It always feels like the week after a vacation is crazy and somehow even more exhausting the the trip itself. It’s nice to be back to normal…for a while at least!

So let’s talk about what I’ve been up to, shall we?

Vacation to Texas
We spend a about a week and a half in Texas seeing family and friends. It was nice to be somewhere that didn’t have humidity. We spent all of the 4th of July out on my parent’s porch and I didn’t even break a sweat! We also got to see our friends Scott and Tabitha and their new adorable baby Cora in Austin!

With all the fun in Texas came a lot of eating. At the beginning, portion control was the name of the game. When that started to slide, I added some movement to my days with walking around my old neighborhood for an hour or so each night. I wasn’t moving to undo my calories, I was doing it to at least get my metabolism going and to get some steps in!

When we were flying home, we got stuck on the tarmac in DFW for about an hour and a half. We had a pretty short layover in Charlotte so we knew it was going to be a race. The plane landed in CLT at 10:05 and our flight was leaving at 10:30. Oh yeah, did I mention that our gate was clear across the airport? So we Home Alone’d it like a boss and we barely made it. They had even taken the Tallahassee sign off the board at the gate. Being the ridiculous social media dude I am, I aired my grievances with US Airways. And they won the internet with their response.
US Airways WorkoutSo we got back to Tallahassee around midnight and it was exhausting but it felt good to be home!

This Week’s Weigh In
I wasn’t sure what the scale was going to say the next day, but I wasn’t feeling hopeful. Somehow, I had only gained 6 pounds which really isn’t that bad. You can gain that easily after a night of sodiumtastic Mexican food. Plus, I’m pretty sure it was 4 and a half pounds of brisket and a pound and a half of kolaches. Anyway, Megan and I went back to the basics of eating and I did some serious exercising every day. When I weighed in on Sunday, not only had I lost everything I gained on the trip, I weighed less than before the trip! So I weighed in at 254 pounds and at this point, I’m just glad that the scale is going in the right direction. I’m really ready to get out of the 250’s and to make some killer weight loss progress!

2015 Disney Enchanted 10k!!!!
A few weeks ago, Megan and her cousin Chelsie talked about running one of the Disney Princess races in February 2015. When they decided on the Enchanted 10k, I wanted in on the awesomeness! So…WE ARE OFFICIALLY RUNNING A DISNEY RACE!!!! Running a Disney race has been a pretty big bucket list item for me. I really want to run the Disney World Marathon on my 30th birthday since my birthday is always during my birthday weekend. But I want to reach my goal weight first before I do that. Thankfully, I still have a few years to go (3 to be exact…)

Guest Posts!
Finally, I’ll have some awesome friends stopping by the FFK next week! More to come!

So that’s all I got for tonight. I’m so glad to be back on the weight loss wagon. We’ll talk soon!