Day 52: Weigh In Day!!!!

This morning I woke up feeling pretty good about the weigh in. I was hoping for a good number… and all that treadmilling and racquetballing paid off. I lost 3 pounds this week! Legit. I was especially stoked since I was bad 2 days last week. Regardless, I feel good and I think I’ll be able to break 320 soon! So right now I’m at 324.6 which means I’m 83.8 pounds away from my 100 pound goal. This means that my daily point intake is down to 32 points instead of 33. I know it’s just a point but I rely on that little guy a lot. (For those playing at home… I am doing an older WW system. With the new system, I would have something like 44 points which is a lot of food.)


Breakfast: Right after church, walked in to our icebox of a house and changed in to sweats (which are slowly becoming the only pants that fit. My jeans fall off a lot now. I really need to reach that 50 mile goal so I can get some new jeans!) Anyways, I knew lunch was going to take a while so we both had a bowl of cereal. I had Kashi Autumn Wheat with a 1/2 cup of milk which was 4 points. I really need to dedicate more points to milk. I miss it in my diet.





Lunch: Like I just said, lunch was going to take a while because we had Turkey Burgers (hooray for delicious things!)  The fries were too crispy because I didn’t cut the potatoes thick enough, but I did remember to add the olive oil unlike last time! For a 9 point meal, it was awesome.





Exercise: This afternoon, Matt and I played some racquetball. Again, I was on the doorstep of winning twice and I couldn’t pull out the W. I don’t know if I have some mental block or something but it has always seemed like anytime something got close, I would crack under the pressure. It’s really annoying because I just kept making simple mistakes like missing the ball on easy shots. I need to work on that. Anyways, that was around 16 exercise points.

Dinner: When Megan first woke up this morning, she prepped and put all the ingredients for Slow-Cook Tuscan Sausage and Bean Soup in the crock pot. So after I got home from the racquetball bloodbath, I got to finally enjoy the soup that was driving my nostrils crazy all day. It was fantastic and perfect for such a cold day! With 2 pieces of bread and 2 bowls of soup it was a 10 point dinner was was totally worth it. Oh, and if my wife couldn’t get any awesome-er, she took these pictures for me to save time. She’s a keeper.


Snack: After our men’s bible study tonight, we went to Moe’s, this sub par burrito place. Although their burritos suck, they have an awesome salsa bar. I ate about a 1/3 of a basket of chips, which was around 6 points (a whole basket, like what comes with chips and queso, is bad… like 750 calories and 40 grams of fat bad.) Instead of eating any queso, I attacked their salsa bar like a Tasmanian Devil on a rotting wombat carcass. 9 cups of salsa later, I was ready to bounce. Then we played football and I ran around and at one point: threw off my shirt… in 40 degree weather. I’m awesome like that.





So for the first day in the new WW bracket I did pretty well. I came to a total of 29 points which works because I might be a little off on the chips. Regardless, a good start to what I hope will be a good week. Speaking of which, does any body have any tips for running on the beach? See ya tomorrow.

Day 48

Watching Silence of the Lambs right now. Such an awesome movie. So many awkward direct-on shots. Imagine if the Coen Brothers would have directed it. Have you seen the trailer for the Coen Brothers True Grit remake? SO STOKED!!! I didn’t bring up Silence of the Lambs because I ate someone’s liver fava beans and a nice Chianti [insert weird sucking noise here] I just think everyone should see it at least once (maybe on TV.)


Breakfast: I had a group project meeting in the library this morning so I went up early and hit up the Starbucks in the library. (I think I am developing an addiction.) I had my Venti Iced Chai Latte (6 points) but there wasn’t enough ice  in it so it was lukewarm the whole time. We bought these Cascadain Farms chewy granola bars since they were BOGO at Publix so I brought one to thwart the temptation of a pastry. The Chocolate Mocha Almond ones are only 2 points but I quit eating it in like 2 bites. I was feeling it and it was a weird consistency.




Lunch: Megan got a text message from Pita Pit for a but one get one for a buck so us, being the frugal frankies that we are, we went there. I tried the Chicken Crave with: spinach, cucumber, onions, and hot mustard. It was really good, but the service is always mediocre which puts a bad taste in my mouth. Anyways the Pita was 9 points which was good for how filling it was.




Exercise: Got back to the Wednesday routine of playing Matt in racquetball. How did it go you ask? Let’s just say he read my goal list. The first two games I was doing well and then I got dominated. It was a blast and 16 exercise points of awesomeness. Matt: this is not over yet!


Dinner: We bought some Morning Star Veggie Tomato and Basil Pizza burgers to try something new and to have a easy-to-make dinner around. I’m not really sure how to describe how they taste (think pizza rolls in patty form with no meat) but they were great and really hit the spot. Two burgers with buns were only 8 points and I had a 6 point serving of tortilla chips. Also, Megan thinks that these patties would be good as a substitute for chicken parmigiana. We will definitely have to try that soon. (Has anyone ever tried that?)



After dinner, I wasn’t feeling well, so I had a 1 point orange, took a bath and drank a lot of water. During Modern Family, I think my continuous laughter kicked whatever was going on. I think it also helped that I had half of a waffle which (4 points.) Between the running and racquetballing, I really need to get my water intake up and probably avoid soda. Does that sound about right?

So anyways, I’m at 34 points and with the exercise points I’m doing alright. With all this Fall weather, I think it’s time to break out the teapot. I love fall. Oh yeah, this morning, when it was a mere 61 degrees, I saw a guy in a hard shell North Face jacket like he was about to go climb Everest or something. Hooray for overkill. Silly Floridians. See ya tomorrow.

Day 38: Weigh In Super Fantasticness!!!!!!

Sorry my faithful readers (especially David Schubert) for the last 3 posts coming out really late. It’s been one of those weeks. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen anymore. Alright, down to business.

I lost 3.4 pounds this week! So I’m now at 330.2!!! I was super stoked. I’ve been on a hot streak of weight loss and I’m hoping to keep it going! So far, I’ve lost 26.8 pounds (legit) and I am 89.4 pounds away from my 100 pound goal!!!! Right now, going off my past averages, the goal of breaking 300 by my birthday in January is almost within reach.

Breakfast: I made some toast (2 points) 1/2 a serving of peanut butter (2.5) and 1/2 a tsp of honey. This whole time that I have been measuring out my honey I have been using 1/2 tsp but the serving is 1 tablespoon so really what I have been counting 1 point is more like .5 point if that. That was a rare, positive surprise.

Lunch: After church, we went to Panera Bread. I was really impressed when we walked in and they had the calories listed on the menu! Legit. Megan and I split the Artichoke Turkey (half was 8 points. Ouch.) and I has the Cream of Chicken with Wild Rice (8 points) and the side baguette was 3 points. I definitely should have gotten the Tortilla Soup (Megan had it and it was amazing and only 4 points) instead of something cream based. The baguette was so worth it because it was soft and delicious (not to mention it was 3 times the size of an Olive Garden breadstick which is also 3 points sadly.) It was the first time in a while that we had white bread so it was a nice treat, but very high in points.



Exercise: I went and played Matt in racquetball this afternoon. I didn’t really get going until around game 3 so I got schooled the first few games. Regardless, it was a blast.

Dinner: I made Uncle Jim’s Fantastic Chili and it was just 5 points. As always, it was great.

Dessert: I went out with some friends from my Sunday night small group and we went to Hiro’s (I think I should just work there since I’m there all the time…) I had the classic Taro with Strawberry and Sugar Cone which was 4 points. So good.







Today I totaled out at 33 points. That will work! See ya tomorrow.

Day 34

Food. It’s Good. Let’s Talk About It.

Breakfast: This morning I made bacon and eggs for breakfast (6 points) and I totally forgot to take a picture. The breakfast was awesome as always, but I think we might need to find some other healthier breakfast options. Any suggestions? (Also a 1 point orange!)

Lunch: We had leftovers! I use to hate leftovers with a passion so I would instead call up people and go eat out which definitely contributed to my weight gain. Now, I really look forward to them for some reason. So the tacos with sour cream are 4 points but today we just had meat and salsa so they were 3 points a piece so it was 6 points (As you can see on our TV, we were watching The Biggest Loser during lunch. I always feel awkward and almost guilty when I eat and watch BL at the same time. Does anyone else feel that way?) For dessert we had leftover pumpkin pie and it had me smittened. That 4 point slice was amazing.

Exercise: My bud Matt and I played racquetball this afternoon and I dominated the first game… and then lost the rest of the games lol but not by much. It was a blast but I am pooped. Since we played for about 70 minutes, Calorie Count calculated that I burned 1,237 calories. Legit.

Dinner: We were in a bit of a rush so we warmed up last night’s chili but there wasn’t much left so I only had 3 points worth of chili which particularly sucks because it was especially good tonight. (Maybe because I was starving?) No Bueno.

Dessert: So Megan has been looking for a low point cupcake recipe for a Halloween shindig we are having this weekend and out friend Jade suggested the Weight Watchers Chocolate Cupcake Recipe. She made them in a mini muffin pan so they were only 1 point a piece. They were really good and chocolaty so I ended up eating about 6 points worth of them. We brought some to church and the reception was overall pretty good!

So as of 10:00, I have eaten a total of 26 points and I have 19 exercise points. Holy crap. In theory I have as many points available as I have eaten today. Needless to say I’m a little grouchy and hungry, but I’m obviously not going to eat 26 points worth of food at 10:00 at night. This conundrum kind of describes how weird this day has been. Here’s hoping for a better tomorrow. See ya then.

One More Thing! Happy Birthday to my Father-in-Law Mark! Thanks for all of your support of the blog and for raising such an awesome daughter 🙂

Day 33

صباح جوو

(Google Translate it)

I wish yesterday was Day 33 because that’s Cliff Lee’s number and yesterday was his day. He dominated the Evil Empire and the Ranger’s bats came alive in the 9th. Sorry Yankee fans, it’s the Rangers time.

Breakfast: I have no clue why I did my morning pic like this. I had just gotten out of bed like 10 minutes before and I hadn’t put my face on yet (just kidding… I put a little blush on.) (Thanks again Catherine for the cup!) One of my favorite snacks in the world are the Nature Valley Honey Oat bars. Today, I think they took 2nd place to the Kashi Pumpkin Spice Flax Granola Bars These bars are so good! They have pumpkin seeds and enough flavor wake up your taste buds. For two bars (which are about the same size as the Nature Valley bars) it’s only 3 points. They are really filling, but sadly I’m pretty sure they are a season item like all awesome pumpkin flavored products. :'((If I was president, I would make sure that pumpkin flavored things were sold year round. MacDonald/Schwarsenegger 2036 y’all!)


Lunch: Today at lunch we met up and this awesome little hole in the wall Greek shop on the strip (is Tennessee st considered “The Strip” in Tallahassee?) called Pitaria. It was a nice treat because we haven’t been there since WW so it tasted even better. I had the falafel pita and it was amazing. They leave their falafel in the fryer a little too long so it’s sometimes a little burnt but it’s still so good. It was 13 points according to this Generic Food’s Weight Watcher Points site. It might not be exactly correct every time, but it really is a good site to have bookmarked for those everyday things. The pita also had Tzatziki sauce which was 1 point. Opposite of my amazing pita is Megan’s hummus plate. She couldn’t finish everything so I ate half of a pita (2 points) and a little hummus (1 point.) It was the first time since I’ve started that I really felt stuffed. I overate and my body was a little hacked at me. It was one of those things where there was only so much left that it wasn’t worth saving and we didn’t want to waste it so I ate it. It was really common for me to eat my meal and half of Megan’s but I haven’t done that since WW and now I know why I shouldn’t. I still need to get out the habit of having to clean my plate and not let anything go to waste.

Exercise: After much persuasion, I finally got Megan to give racquetball a try. We had a lot of fun. She made a lot of really good shots for it being her first time. Most of it was just us hitting around and trying not to run in to each other. I don’t if she’ll play again but regardless we had a good time.

Dinner: We decided to be adventurous and make chili fries. Yes… chili fries. We made our Uncle Jim’s veggie chili and made the baked fries from the WW cookbook. The fries soaked in the juice but stayed crunchy. It was Heaven. 2 cups of the chili was 5 points and the fries were only 3 points. You could easily add cheese to this and I would have but I would of had to of grated the cheese. (I might not be as fat, but I’m still lazy 🙂

Dessert: After our Tuesday night Bible Study with the college group, we went over to Hiro’s: that amazing yogurt place we always go to. I had the Taro as usual, but I had to take a picture of this awesome flavor. I know I’ve talked about it but I had to take a pic of it. The Taro yogurt was 2 points, the strawberries were 1 point and the sugar cone pieces were about 2 points. Such a great treat.

So the total for today was 33 points. Right on par. Today was also an unintentionally vegetarian day, but I was more full than any other so far. Not too shabby. See ya tomorrow.

Day 31 Weigh In!!! Oh Snap!

The Cowboys make me sad.

(Yes, that is my greeting of the day.)

It has been a great day here in the 850. Woke up this morning, got on the scale, and I lost 4.4 pounds this week!!! So I blew my 1 pound goal out of the water and I have lost a total of 23.4 pounds and I am 92.8 pounds away from my goal. Whenever you have had a successful weigh in, have you ever gotten on the scale like 3 more times to make sure it was right? Because I totally did that and I hope I’m not the only one. Anyways… More about weight to come.

Breakfast: This morning, we opened the windows and let cold Fall air breeze through the house as I made some bacon (2 points) and eggs (4 points.) I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, there is nothing better than getting up early and enjoying the peace and quiet before the day commences. I’m sure you’ve noticed that I have the same coffee cup in every picture. It’s not because we have only 1 cup it’s just because it’s awesome. That’s about it.





Lunch: Thanks to a gift card to Olive Garden from my folks, after church we went to the good ol’ OG for a Sunday afternoon lunch. Like last time, we split the Shrimp Primavera which was only 5 points! After years of avoiding it, I finally had the minestrone and it was fantastic (when I was in the 3rd grade, I got sick from minestrone so I have abstained from it since then.) It’s a great appetizer over the salad which is only worth it points wise if you eat it dry. A bowl was 1 point so I had 2 glorious bowls for 2 points. I was good again and only had one breadstick which was 3 points (depressing right?) What I did was I broke it in to thirds and used it for each part of the meal. Then the Andes mint was 1 point. Super duper worth it. (How can you not like Andes mints? If you don’t like them, don’t tell me so we can stay friends.)

Sad Days: I just saw this in Wal-Mart and it made me sad because I should probably never eat Oreo’s again because I use to eat about 7 at a time. They are my glutinous Achilles Tendon. I know some people feel like they are missing out when they do the life style change thing, but it’s so worth it. When you read the bottom section, you’ll see how worth it it can be. (But read the whole post!)





Exercise: I got a call from my bud Matt and we went and played racquetball this afternoon. Earlier this week I got owned but today I held my own and after I just felt great. According to Calorie Count, I burned 1060 calories for 1 hour of casual racquetball. If you want to get a good cardio and sweat a disgustingly satisfying amount, play some racquetball. It’s addicting like a healthy crack. (Plus, according to the WW exercise points formula, I was suppose to have 16 extra points today. Did I further prove my point?)

Dinner: So there are a lot of things that you buy at the grocery store that look good in theory, but then are just bad? Well this was one of those. We bought a Zatarain’s Jambalaya mix and we added some shrimp. It was a sodium nightmare, you could taste the salt and it was just a weird tasting dish. I usually love jambalaya so I was severely disappointed. To make it worse: it was 13 points. Why does it seem like that the stuff that you don’t enjoy eating are also high points? So lame.





Dessert: After my Men’s small group study, I came home to the house smelling of delicious pumpkin pie. Megan had been wanting to try the Sour Cream Pumpkin Pie recipe from the WW cookbook (page 409) and holy smokes was it good! It was the first time she had made a pie, much less a crust, and she dominated. We have been looking for WW dishes and such to serve at Thanksgiving and for only 4 points for a slice, I think we have found our dessert! It was delicious.

So Down To Brass Tax: if you haven’t noticed, I have never actually mentioned my weight since I’ve started blogging. To be honest, it was something I wanted to keep hidden because if this didn’t work (as in if I gave up) the insult to the injury would be that people would not only know that I had failed, but they would know something that personal. So now, I feel really comfortable and encouraged about this monumental change in my life thanks to my friends, family, and the blogging community that is fighting the same fight as I. So here we go…

A few weeks before I started WW on September 14th 2010, I looked like this. I weighed an  astonishing 357 pounds. I’ve never really felt limited in activity, but I was slowly going in that direction. I felt gross, uncomfortable, and worst of all: fat. This was the first time in my life I was closer to 400 pounds than 300. I was scared. A long time ago I read that John Candy (my comedic idol) was 300 pounds most of his life and he died 44 so I knew that I’ve needed to change but somehow that wouldn’t do it. In 8th grade, I was 275 pounds and that was after I had lost some weight in football. I needed to change then and I knew it, but for some reason I didn’t. So what makes this time different? Accountability. I have had people I haven’t talked to in years text me, fb chat me, and call to tell me they enjoy the blog. If that’s not inspiration to keep it up I don’t know what is. I’m not doing this for attention or credit. I’m doing it for God, my family, and so you can enjoy my awesomeness for a little while longer on this earth.

(Photo cred to my bud Gerard!)

So here is where we are today. This is me this is me today at 333.8 pounds. I am back to being closer to 300 than 4oo which is a win in itself to me. As you can see, I have man boobs. Big ones. I’m like the Pamela Anderson of man boobage. But they have shrunk considerably (To quote Homer Simpson “I’m wasting away to a B-cup!”)  Also a win. Something also awesome, when I get to 321, I will have lost 10% of my body weight which is so cool! I’m hoping to break 300 by my birthday (January 13th. Don’t forget!) which I think might be doable so it’s a goal I’m setting for myself. Even if I get close I’ll be stoked so I come out awesome in this either way.





So today’s post (as promised) has been a doozie, but it’s a big deal for me to expose my weight like this, but I honestly wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for your amazing support. Thank you again, and please keep it coming. It does not go unnoticed. See ya tomorrow.



Day 27

HELLLO WIN COLUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you aren’t aware, my Texas Rangers beat the Tampa Bay Rays last night 5-1 to win their first ever postseason series. The Rangers (like other Metroplex teams) have produced plenty of heartache in the past years (past years being most of my life) so this is a big deal for us fans. Although I live 3 states away, I still feel like I am right there with the Rangers Nation. Next stop: The Fighting George Steinbrenner’s. Bring it on.

Let’s talk food.

Breakfast: I bought some Publix Organic Peanut Butter (the kind you have to stir) because we use to buy the stir-in kind from H-E-B, but unfortunately it wasn’t near as good. Sad days. Anywho, 2 tablespoons of PB was 5 points and the waffles were 3 points so it was a pretty good breakfast.




Lunch: As I said the other day, this week is about trying some new recipes to avoid getting in a food rut. Megan made the Spanish Tortilla out of the WW cookbook (page 254.) It is basically a egg-potato-and-spinach scramble (there’s actually no tortilla involved, but I think with a few tortillas and some salsa it would make a killer breakfast burrito.) Pictured is 2 servings which was only 4 points!!! (That’s right… it’s 2 points a serving!) We fried up a little bacon which was 2 points and I had a glass of milk which was 4 points. Megan wasn’t a huge fan of it (the recipe calls for nutmeg which was a little overpowering) but I really liked it and it was so filling I almost didn’t finish my serving!



Exercise: If you haven’t figured it out, I’m a big racquetball fan (even though I’m not too good but to be fair, I’ve never played someone who was my size. Not that that’s an excuse I’m just saying.) Today was maybe the first time I thought I might pass out. I. Got. Worked. I had a lot of fun and I even won a game, but I have never had my obliques hurt after an hour of racquetball. It was awesome. Anyways I put the exercise info in my Calorie Count account and it said I burned 900 calories. It was a blast but between that and working out with Justin yesterday I’m going to take it easy the next few days. I calculated it with the WW exercise formula that I found on my friend’s blog and it said I get 13 (yep, you read that right) exercise points for today which makes that butt kicking I got worth it.

Dinner: Like I’ve said before, I really like Uncle Jim’s Chili as a leftover because it’s a little more congealed so it works better as a topping. Tonight I felt like I wasn’t doing WW: I made Chili Dogs. I took the rest of the chili, heated up some hot dogs and cut them in half, and then I put a serving of reduced fat of cheese on it. I then added some ketchup, mustard and hot sauce which is what I usually put on my chili dogs. The chili was 5 points the 3 94% fat free hot dogs were 3 points and the 1/4 cup of cheese was 2 points. If you made this in a non-healthy way (like with Wolf Brand Chili) this could be a 1,000 calorie meal pretty quick, but just making a few simple adjustments like no bread and low fat dogs you get the pleasure without the guilt. Which is what we are really looking for right? Have you ever made a “diet” version of your favorite meal?


Snack: If you live close to a Publix, you should definitely try out their Premium Low Fat Vanilla. So legit. I had 1 cup which was 2 servings so it came out to 4 points.







So far today I came out to 32 points but I still have 13 exercise points to deal with so I’m sure there will be a little snacking in my future (but with in reason of course!) See ya tomorrow.