Day 459: Tuesday Before Life Gets “Fun”

The semester is going to be insane.

Tuesday through Friday I will be teaching a Public Speaking class. I’m a little nervous about it, but pray for those poor little students (maybe squeeze a prayer there for me too.) Anyway, it was day two of Insanity and… wow. More about that in a bit.

Breakfast: This morning, instead of granola I had Nutty Nuggets (a Grape Nuts knock off. Thanks Dave Ramsey for ruining regular Grape Nuts for me!) with some Stoneyfield vanilla yogurt. I had a 1/2 cup of yogurt and a 1/2 cup of Nutty Nuggets. It was really awesome. I also had a cup big cups of water and a cup of coffee to hydrate for the literal Insanity that was about to ensue. 6 points.

SAWS!: Day two was Plyometric Cardio Circuit was just as bad as I remembered. Working out when you are sore is terrible but the sweat that was gushing out of my pores like that wave pool at Schlitterbahn where you can jump out in front of the wave generator and get sucked under the current (anyone have a clue what I’m talking about?)  felt completely amazing. I burned a whopping 526 calories which means I got 8 exercise points out of it. Fantastically awesome workout.


Lunch: We had some leftover Hoppin’ John for lunch, which is super filling after a rough workout, and a glass of milk. Lunch was about 7 points.

Snack: After a meeting this afternoon I came home and had two Walmart waffles and two tablespoons of peanut butter. I was kind of stressed so I made a dumb decision and had that instead of a snack that would have been worth the points. My snack was 9 points! Kind of pointless snack but awe well.




Dinner: Tonight, we decided to go out for dinner because we didn’t have anything lined up. I forgot how hard it was to calculate points and even find a place that has nutritional information available, much less have meals that are calorically friendly. After much research, we decided on Chipotle. I cut out the guac (which I haven’t done in a long time) and Megan and I were going to split a cup of sou cream and we only got halfway through it! WE ARE BACK TO GOOD HABITS!  I feel like I’m back at Week 1 or something! Anyway, Dinner was still high, but the exercise points made it alright. Dinner was 14 points.

So today I got to 36 points which is just about exact with my workout points.

First Wordless Wednesday of the year coming up tomorrow! Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.