Day 651: Monday Time Awesomeness.

One day down… only 13,505 to go.

Today was my first day in the real world. It feels pretty darn cool. If anything, it’s just nice to have some structure in my life that I can build my weight loss around. I know that sounds weird but it’s the truth. Speaking of weight loss, today was definitely a win the in the weight loss column. I ate really well and even got some good exercise in there! Awesomeness!

(How do you like my jacket?)

Breakfast: I was awoken early with a call from my dad (thanks for the wake up call Pops) followed by the smell of delicious eggs being cooked. I had one breakfast burrito with some homemade salsa. Yumtastic.




Lunch: I went home and a little chili. I didn’t eat that much and only a little rice. I was proud of my portion size!









Snack: I came home to a ginormous salad. It was amazing and filling. That’s all that needs to be said.









Dinner: Megan made another amazing recipe out of the always-awesome Skinny Taste. She made the Grilled Flank Steak with Black Beans, Corn and Tomatoes. She grilled it on the George Foreman since it was thinly sliced. The steak was juicy and the black bean concoction was cool and delicious. You definitely need to try it. NOW!

Exercise: After a while, Megan and I went down to the pool and swam some laps. It was nice because there wasn’t anyone down there. After an hour, I had a little (emphasis on a little) peanut butter and a banana along with some watermelon. It feels good to fill up on healthy things.

So that’s about it for today. Pretty awesome. See ya tomorrow.