Day 666: Happy Number Edition

Like most of the world, Megan and I have been glued to the TV every night to watch America (and Canada) kick butt! I have a lot to say about the lackluster media coverage and the issues with our society’s need to know everything instantaneously. Today, I did my darndest to avoid finding out about swimming and gymnastics via staying off of Twitter and closing my eyes while on Yahoo!, but I was bested by my ESPN and New York Times push notifications on my iPhone. While there is now way to embargo the Olympic results from the rest of the world (especially with our connection to England on multiple levels from being allies to having relatives across the pond) it’s almost like a giant screw you by ESPN to show the results in their ticker while I’m trying to watch Around the Horn. It’s like if Good Morning America on ABC broadcasted the results of the Big Brother finale on CBS that was airing that night. There is no actual solution to this problem, but it wont be an issue for a few years. The Winter Olympics in 2014 will be in Sochi, Russia (eight hours ahead of EST), the Summer Olympics in 2016 in Rio will only be one hour ahead of the EST (btw, I hate living in the EST. It’s all about the Central Time Zone. But I digress…) and the 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea which is an epic 14 hours ahead of the EST. So until the Olympics are held in another “US friendly” country, this shouldn’t be as much as an issue until then… and we will complain all over again.

Geez… where was I going with that?

Alright, so to make this brief until the good stuff, I had some oatmeal for breakfast and some chili for lunch. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I did also have two pieces of dark chocolate before my run. It was magnanimous.

Dinner: Megan made that amazing Eggplant Parmasean from Skinny Taste so we nommed on that deliciousness before we went on our run.









SAWS: It’s Tuesday so it was Southwood run day! It had rained earlier in the day so it was actually cool outside around run time. I went a different route today which was fun but much hillier than my usual route. I ran 3.5 miles in 36:32 which isn’t bad considering I ran a 36:02 3.5 miler on Saturday. (I did stop and talk to a coworker I saw running so that might have been the difference.) I was able to get my second mile time down which I am happy about. I’m running another 3.5 miler on Thursday and then a 4ski on Saturday. Should be fun.

When I got home, I had toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana. Between that and the fact I was in pajamas by 9:00, life is good.






Bonus Video: So tonight I leave you with this video. When I first saw this commercial, I held back the tears. I was this kid. I am this kid (and not just because his name is Nathan). I spent so much of my life telling myself that I would never be competitive in sports or ever be happy with the way I look. At the age of 23,I had already prepared for an early death from my lifestyle. But with the a lot of willpower, a lot of sweat and a ton of support of friends and family, I have found my inner-greatness. It’s an amazing feel. And I’m just getting started. See ya tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “Day 666: Happy Number Edition

  1. Thank you for posting the video! I only caught the very tail end of it last night, and it really is a great commercial! Just by getting up, we are lapping everyone (including our former selves) on the couch!