Day 794: Weigh In Day and Stuff about Thanksgiving

Greetings Yo!

So the past couple of weeks have been up and down with two massive trips back to back, but things are finally getting back to where they need to be for this Fotographing Fat Kid. This week, I flippin’ lost 4.4 pounds!!! Which is insane! I know a lot of it was that I have been drinking my water and keeping my calories in check, but I also ran around 15 miles this week which isn’t a ton but more than the previous weeks! It was pretty crazy though, I bought a button up shirt last Tuesday at Old Navy and when I tried it on, it was tight in some areas. Yesterday, it was already loose. It’s crazy how much difference even just 4 pounds makes for your body!

As we all know, Thursday is Thanksgiving. A time to be thankful for what we have by eating a lot and then to go by massive TV’s at rock bottom prices…or something like that. Two years ago, I made it a goal to not gain weight on this week of gluttontastic awesomeness and I succeeded! I even lost a pound or two. But last year, it completely threw off my weight loss for a month or so. This year, I’m going back to mindful about my eating and remember that this won’t be the last time I’ll ever eat turkey dinner again (since we bought a 15 pound turkey and there are only three of us…who are all in a weight loss competition with one another.) Mind you I’m not saying this in a preachy “you shouldn’t eat a lot on Thanksgiving!” kind of way. This is just how I am approaching Thanksgiving this year.

With all of that stuff out of the way, let’s talk Turkey Trot! While I’m still stoked for the 15k, my knees are still a little sore. I’ve tried to stretch out everything, but there’s still a little stiffness. My arthritis medicine does help (oh yeah…I have arthritis. Another important reason to lose weight, because even if you are obese and have good cholesterol like I did, you are still wrecking your joints.) but it’s still there after a while. Basically, I’m going to just run as much as I can of that brutal 9.3 miles and then walk when I need to. My issue is sometimes during races I get super competitive and try to pass people even if that means completely breaking my pace. Then I end up slower and falling back behind. It’s kind of embarrassing and annoying. On Thursday, I’m just going to set my 15k record with the intention of breaking it next time. The race is projected to have more than 5,000 runners in a relatively small neighborhood so there are always bad bottlenecks (insert rant about people running with strollers even though the rules expressly forbid them here) so with that and the difficulty of the route (even though we run there every Tuesday and Thursday) it’s going to be an awesome run, not so much a race. It will also be nice when the 10k and the 15k races split off. That’s going to make life a lot easier. It’s going to feel like a normal Thursday run…minus the brutal falling.

Okay, time to take a 23 and a half hour break. Wordless Wednesday. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

Day 772: Weigh In Day And An Announcement About #Movember

I’m the Whiz! Nobody can beat me! Because I’m the Whiz!

I’ve lost my mind.

So my weight has fluctuated like crazy this week. At one point I’m hitting my lowest weight yet, and other days I’m up about 5 pounds. It’s just weird. I drink a lot of water, I’ve been trying to keep my eating in check. I just don’t really get it. So when my weight was up .2 this morning, I wasn’t really shocked. I’m not really concerned about it, but it just means that I need to be better with everything from eating to exercising.

Alright. Let’s Talk

So I’ll have a special Halloween Wordless Wednesday tomorrow, but I wanted to explain why I am going to be growing a disgusting mustache for the month of November.

It’s called Movember, a movement to raise awareness about a disease that will affect almost a quarter of a million men in the U.S. this year alone: prostate cancer. Now, I don’t have prostate cancer, nor do I really know anyone who has had prostate cancer. But ever since this weight loss journey began two years ago, I have become so much more aware of the importance of men’s health. Up until this point, all of my concerns were weight related.  So with that all being said, I want others to know about this terrible form of cancer.

Again, here are some more facts about prostate cancer from WebMD:

Prostate cancer is typically a very slow growing tumor, often causing no symptoms until it is in an advanced stage. Most men with prostate cancer die of other causes — many without ever realizing that they have the disease. But once prostate cancer begins to grow more rapidly or spreads outside the prostate, it is dangerous. This aggressive type of prostate cancer can occur at any age. Although the disease tends to progress slowly, it is generally fatal if it spreads beyond the prostate gland itself.

Prostate cancer in its early stages (confined to the prostate gland) can be effectively treated, with very good outcomes for survival. Fortunately, about 85% of American men with prostate cancer are diagnosed in an early stage of the disease.

Cancer that has spread beyond the prostate to distant tissues (such as the bones, lymph nodes, and lungs) is not curable, but it may be controlled for many years. Because of the many advances in available treatments, the majority of men whose prostate cancer becomes widespread can expect to live five years or more.

The article also goes on to say that diets that contain a high amount of fat, red meat and other animal fat can also be a factor.

So what am I asking from you tonight? On Thursday morning, shave off what facial hair you have and get growing. Start clean shaven on November 1st and shave everything but your ‘stache for the rest of the month. Then on November 30th, a month from today, post your sickly awesome ‘stache pic on The FFK Facebook page! Gals, post your pic with your fake ‘stache on Nov. 30th too! Finally,  go to and join my Movember team #Mustachesarecool. You don’t have donate any money, just create an account and join our team! Throughout the month, I will have updates about prostate cancer and some mustache-related awesomeness.

So let’s get to it! Join tonight, start a ‘stache, and raise awareness about this disease. See ya tomorrow.

Day 765: Weigh in and a fresh start edition

Why hello!

After yesterday night’s post, Megan and I got to thinking about what we were going to do about this whole weight loss thing. It’s easy to get side tracked when you’re incredibly busy and have been trying to lose weight for a while, but Megan and I are back on the same page. Starting tomorrow, we are going to be more strict with our calories and exercise more. Since January 1 is only 10 weeks away (I know, crazy right?) we are both shooting to lose 20 pounds each which would be epic. This week, I gained 3.8 pounds so I am staring at 232 pounds. The idea of being around 212 by the start of the new year is awesome. So here we go. A new chapter in the weight loss game. See ya tomorrow.

Day 744: Weigh In Time!

So I’m back!!!!!!!

I have eaten well all day, I got a little exercise in and I’m back on the awesome wagon!

So like I thought, I did gain this week, but it wasn’t near as bad as it could should have been. I gained .4 pounds so I’m back up to 228.4. At least I’m still in the 220’s. I’m shooting to lose a good amount this week but we’ll just see! Either way, it won’t be for a lack of trying. Good stuff!

Breakfast: I just had an English muffin and peanut butter 3.5 points 

Snack: Today, I made sure that I had plenty of snacks at my disposal to snack on to fight off the candy around the office. So, in the morning, I ate a banana and a Fage yogurt with honey. It was fantastic. 3 points 

Lunch: We had some leftover taco meat from taco and cheesecake night (yeah…that actually happened) on Friday. So I weighed out 4 oz of meat, and put it on two delicious La Tortilla tortillas that are only 50 calories and 7 grams of fiber. Oh yeah, and a TON of salsa. For dessert I had two oranges. 8 points. 

Snack: I was offered half of a rice krispy treat from my boss, couldn’t say no to that (not gonna lose my job over refusing a rice krispy treat 🙂 ) plus, they are the beast dessert option while on a diet. It was only 1 point! 

Exercise: Tonight I had a softball game which was fun! I got a couple of hits, a couple RBI’s so that was fun. Sure we lost, but it’s still fun to get out there. Anyway, I really really really really really really really wanted to go for a run when I was done because I wanted to try out my new shoes. I guess I’m going to go out for a run in the morning since it will be in the mid 60’s (is it sad that I’m thinking about wearing a hoodie since it will be “so cold?”)

Dinner: I had some leftover chili and chips with a little cheese. It was only 11 points.

So that’s it for the day! I got to 26.5 points which is awesome. I haven’t eaten so little and been so full in a while. The key? fruits and veggies yo!

See ya tomorrow.

Day 737: Weigh In And Phil’s Birthday!

Alright, I’m not feeling well at all. It was one of those things where you finally sit down and relax for a moment and then it hits you like a sack of bricks. No bueno. So here we go!

First off, I lost .4 this week so I’m down to 228 even. Not too shabby considering I lost 2.6 last week. Hopefully I can keep my eating in check this week and have a much lower number this time next week.


Also, I’m running a 10k next Saturday (10/6) and I’m stressing out a little bit about it. I’m also going to run nine miles this saturday to see how that goes. Again, I’m pretty nervous about that because it’s going to be my furthest run yet by two whole miles (which is a lot.)


Alright, back to more fun stuff.

For breakfast I had an cheese bagel. Not the best choice.

I went to a luncheon this morning where they had a light lunch of pizza, veggies and cookies (since when did pizza fall in to the category of light lunch?)

I had my first non-fat chai tea latte of the season. While I love me some pumpkin spice latte, chai’s are just as fallish in my book. I feel like I’m forcing fall a little too much. I wanted to wear a long-sleeve shirt with shorts to dinner tonight, but I realized I would be sweating like a hog so I nixed that plan. Like a lot of overweight kids, the hoodie was my best friend because it covered up my rolls (or I thought it did) so I use wear a hoodie starting the first week of October even if it still was 90 degrees (since Texas doesn’t believe in seasons.) Anyway, where was I?

I also went on a 2.5 mile run right after work because I knew dinner was going to be pretty high calorie. I was on pace to set a pretty good 5k time, but my allergies went nuts and something flew in to my eye that made it actually hurt, not just irritate, but physically hurt. 2.5 miles is still better than nothing!

So today is my friend Phillip’s birthday! He is the boo of my friend Andrea the Wolf who was in the same grad program as me! For his super birthday extravaganza, we went to Ted’s Montana Grill. I had never been, but I knew they were know for their awesome bison burgers. So, I went online to their website and looked at the nutritional info. While I picked a topping-heavy burger (guacamole, tomato jam, roasted peppers and pepper jack cheese) I picked the best toppings possible and instead of fries and/or onion rings (which looked insanely good) I just had a sweet potato and cinnamon sugar (no butter.) What’s also interesting is that I was going to get a salad instead, but my meal was still half the fat and way less calories. Their shrimp caesar salad was 1380 calories and 125 grams of fat!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!! That’s pretty ridiculous. I mean yeah, my burger was still 766 calories and 40 grams of fat, but I still saved a lot of calories by choosing a different side and just taking the time to pick the best option.

Overall, it’s been kind of a weird day, but Tuesdays and Thursdays are like that. Sorry for the lack of photos, but that’s what Wordless Wednesday is for! Hooray. See ya tomorrow.




Day 731: Two Years Later…

I can’t believe it’s been two years!!!

There have been plenty ups and downs this year, but I’m definitely back on an upswing. It has been a trying year: I went through a rough patch that made me doubt why I was actually doing this whole weight loss thing, though in hindsight the last semester of grad school was just a nightmare which made everything horrible in general. Anyway, a lot of awesome things have happened: I’ve destroyed my previous 5k records, I have become obsessed with running and I have been on an awesome weight loss streak that sees no end.

Speaking of weight loss, it’s weigh-in day!!! I was hoping for an awesome day of weight loss and I got it! I lost 2.6 pounds which puts me under 230 officially for the first time!!!!!!! I am down to 228.4. So in the past two years I have lost 128.6 pounds which is insane. That’s 36% of my of my original body weight. While more than 100 pounds of that was lost that first year, I have still been chugging along. I’m losing a lot more consistently now (after I met my hero Hannah Curlee) because I’ve just kept doing what I’ve been doing: keep the portions in check and keep moving!

Anyway, so I have laid out some goals for myself for year 3. I know things are going well now and I want to keep it that way. Your body does some crazy things when you lose a significant amount of weight.

So here is what I’m shooting for in the next 356 days:

  1. Breaking 200 pounds (only 28.4 pounds away!)
  2. Run a 5k in less than 20 minutes 
  3. Run in my first Half Marathon
  4. Eat more fruits and veggies 
  5. Work out more 
  6. Be more consistent with counting points 

Really, none of these are out of the range of possibility and some of them just mean I need to get back to the basics.

Finally tonight, I just wanted to thank everyone for your encouragement during this awesome transition in my life. Today I looked through some of those first posts and it was awesome to re-read so many encouraging comments. I had forgotten that I didn’t post my weight initially. It took me about a month to finally post my weight. I remember that I had the courage to even post my weight because of the support I was getting from awesome readers like you. I love you readers. Thanks for reading what I eat day-in and day-out. You rock.

See ya tomorrow.


Also, I made nachos with broccoli today. It was delicious. That is all.



Day 694: Weigh In Stuff

King of the Hill is awesome. That’s all that needs to be said about that.

So I knew that I wasn’t going to be down to where I was before our Disney trip weight-wise, but I was definitely shooting for at least a loss. I am definitely hoping to be back where I was and then some by my two-year blogaversary on September 18th. This week, I lost 1.6 pounds which is a pretty good lost considering the way I ate on Saturday (more about that in a bit…)

Breakfast: I had a bowl of Back to Nature Cranberry Pecan granola cereal. IT was delicious and filling. I also had a banana and drank a bunch of water.

Lunch: I went home and made a sandwich. The turkey we bought from Publix tastes the way Pay-Less Shoes smells. Anyway, I also had some chips and salsa with some Corn Flakes. I also had a Fiber One bar for my afternoon snack.

Dinner: I had some leftover chili from last night. Nothing too fancy. Then I had a banana before it was time to go for a run in Southwood.

Brutal Run: Today was one rough run. It had just rained so it was particularly humid. It felt like I was wearing a sweater when I was running. By the first half mile I was already covered in sweat. Today, I didn’t break any land speed records, it was more of a detox run. I ate a lot of junk (delicious junk that is) this weekend so it felt like my body was sweating all of that out so I could get back to my regularly scheduled weight loss. It also didn’t help that I was still sore from playing softball. My quads and groin were completely sore from sitting down all day so running was pretty rough too.
fun stuff.

Snack When we got home, I had some popcorn while watching Adventure Time (also an awesome show.)

So that’s all for today. Wordless Wednesday next. See ya tomorrow.

Day 687: Tuesday Weigh In!

Wait…I have a blog? What the what!?!

So I am back from the Happiest Place on Earth and it was epic! It was so awesome to see my family and to help my sister Brittany start her career at Disney!

It was also awesome to eat at the delicious places at Disney and around Orlando.

Which brings me to tonight’s weigh in…

Although I was relatively good (or at least tried to be) snacking was an issue the whole time. It is what it is. I gained 4.2 pounds but I know a good amount of that is water weight. I’m not mad about it. Sometimes you just have to move on.

Speaking of moving on…

For breakfast, I had a peanut butter on a bagel thin. It was filling and delicious.

For lunch, I had tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. It doesn’t get much better. Oh wait…check out dinner.

When my dad and sis came through town, we made an epic trip to Sam’s Club! We are officially ready for any sort of zombie apocalypse. Anyway, we got a pack of frozen salmon so Megan the Magic Chef whipped up some spaghetti with a light oil and garlic mixture. It was amazing. I heart salmon.








Megan wasn’t feeling too well so I skipped out on my weekly run in Southwood. Tonight, I did not want to run. I was tired and I just wanted to stay at home. But I knew that if I did go run, it would be a big win in the discipline column. Anyway, tonight was a four miler and I decided to take on new road. For those who don’t know, Tallahassee has massive hills. Tonight, I conquered some hills like a boss. Yeah it wasn’t my best time, but I got my mile times down each mile which is good and in mile 3 I hit an awesome stride. Tonight was the first night that I thought I could actually run 13.1 miles right then. (It also helped that the weather was perfect tonight: low humidity and cool. A rare combo in late August.) I think my week running break really helped. Granted I did walk 35 miles over four days, but that’s beside the point. Anyway, when I got home I had a bowl of popcorn and water…gallons and gallons of water.

So that’s all for today. Wordless Wednesday will by full of awesome Disney pictures. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

Day 680: Weigh In Day

So today is the anniversary of losing 100 pounds. That’s right folk, I have kept at least 100 pounds off for one whole year. I feel that’s a pretty awesome accomplishment. I’m just going to keep looking forward and being awesome.

Speaking of awesome, today is weigh in day! I lost .8 pounds this week! I am down to flippin’ 231.2. I know it’s not a ton, but I have been consistently losing. While I want to be below 200 now, I’m absolutely cool with going low and slow. I’ve got nothing but time.

(I’m going to speed this up a little because I have to get up extra early tomorrow for work and it’s already past my bedtime.)

Breakfast: I had 5 points of 1.5 tbsp peanut butter and toast.

Lunch: I had leftover macaroni from last night. I also had some cheerios too. 9ish points

Snack: We weren’t running until around 7 so I had another round of peanut butter toast 5 points

SAWS: Today was a four-miler and luckily it is cooling off during the evening (since it monsoons every afternoon. I think I am finally acclimating to this bizarre Tropical/Deep South hybrid of a climate.) Anyway, I ran a pretty rough trail while having to pee the whole time. Not gonna lie, I was ready to run in to the woods and answer nature’s call, but with my luck, I would have gotten caught and send to straight to jail or some ridiculousness. Anyway, it was an awesome run. Good times.







Dinner: We had to stay on that side of town for a little while, so we decided to get some Sonny’s deliciousness. Megan and I both did the smoked turkey sandwich combo. Instead of fries, I had the baked beans. It was only 17 points which isn’t bad for BBQ since it’s generally pretty high.

So I got to 36 point and I burned about 667 calories so I’m in good pretty good shape. Hooray! See ya tomorrow.

Day 664: Weigh In Day of Epicness!

What up everybody!!!

Sorry I have been on kind of a blogging hiatus this week. Between watching Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira painfully explain the Opening Olympics like those annoying friends we all have and hanging out with friends, we have been keeping pretty busy this weekend.

So today, I have finally broken through the my 235 barrier that I have been fighting with since November of last year. 2012 has been a rough year for weight loss; there have been a lot of ups and downs, plateaus and just wanting to give up. I have finally hit my stride though! I have been doing a running regiment and I have been working on strengthening my core with yoga, not to mention really watching what I eat through out the week. (A lot of that has can be attributed to not eating out as much and just plain eating less.) So this week, I was able to pull a sick number. I lost 3.4 pounds this week!!!!! I have lost 7.8 pounds in three weeks! I am down to 233.2 which is the lowest I have weighed since… I don’t know… probably 5th grade. It’s an awesome feeling and I’m ready to blast in to the 220’s pretty soon. (Hey, it’s Doctor’s orders!)

Breakfast: This morning I have two pieces of toast with peanut butter. Nothing special but still delicious.

Lunch: After church, we went with some of our friends to this place called Azu. We knew it was going to be a buffet so we had prepared ourselves to eat right while we were there. Overall, I did alright! I avoided everything fried (except a crab ragoon and one piece of General Tso’s chicken. I literally just got one piece.) and simple sushi that was just tuna and a little riece. I also ate a lot of fruit too. I obviously could have done better, but Sundays are suppose to be my higher calorie days. It’s also hard when you never eat Chinese food or have access  to anything you want so you do want to try everything. Either way, I didn’t aim to get my money’s worth which was my mindset all of my life. I learned a lot about control today which is a start.

Coffee: This afternoon, I was jonesin’ for some iced coffee but I didn’t want to go spend $3 on cold bitter coffee. So, I went to the interwebs to find a solid recipe and I found this awesome article from The New York Times! It was awesome! The secret was using my ceramic pour over thingy that I got from World Market a while back. If you want some cheaper iced coffee, give this a shot!

Dinner: So neither of us were hungry until around 8 so we had to figure out something random to eat. Megan, the hodge podge dinner wizard, made this awesome concoction of shredded chicken (which we just keep in our fridge at all times now for salads and nights like this) black beans and corn. I put it on a my La Tortilla tortillas that have 13 grams of fiber and are low in fat too! It turned out to be a pretty good thrown together dinner.

So today was a great boost for my confidence. I know what I am doing is right and working for me. I can’t wait to see what this week holds. Time to keep at it! See ya tomorrow.